He was feeling mean.

“It makes me effective at my job.” Drake put the pack over his nose. “Or it would have if I’d really tried. I thought I could get close to Madeline without hurting her, but I had to figure out what she knows.”

“Nothing. I know nothing.” Maddie found a corkscrew and started working on a bottle of Pinot. “I didn’t even know who I was dating, so I’m pretty sure I can’t help anyone at all.”

“You know more than you think,” Drake said. “I need you to understand that I decided you’re not involved in what’s going on. I will admit that I went in with some suspicions, but getting to know you has led me to believe you’re not capable of what I think Byrne is planning.”

“And what is that?” MaeBe came down the stairs, Boomer following her. She frowned Kyle’s way. “I assume it’s safe enough for me to come back down now?”

So Kyle had sent MaeBe up to her room when things had taken a nasty turn. Deke would bet that had gone over sensationally.

Kyle didn’t look at all worried about that expression on her face. “Yes. Now it’s safe.”

“Hey, MaeBe Vaughn. You are looking good, girl,” Drake said with a nod.

“If you don’t want that ice pack shoved up your asshole, you won’t look at her at all.” Kyle stared at Drake.

MaeBe’s eyes rolled, and she joined Maddie. Yeah, she would probably need a lot of wine to survive Kyle.

Drake ran a hand over his hair, smoothing it back. “You have spent far too much time with your uncle. As to MaeBe’s question, I’m not about to show my cards until I know we’re working together and not against each other.”

Deke had a few questions of his own. “If you did any research at all on Maddie, you knew her connection to me. So why the hell didn’t you call me when you found out she was involved in something dangerous?”

“Well, first of all, I absolutely knew the connection. I also knew you haven’t spoken to her in over fifteen years. You know most of us move on from our high school girlfriends.” Drake sat back. “Secondly, Big Tag has made it plain that he doesn’t want to work with me.”

“I think that is more about the Agency and his history with them than you.” Deke was fairly certain Drake was the only CIA employee Big Tag could stomach for short periods of time. “It’s not like you haven’t worked with us lately.”

After all, Drake had worked with Chelsea a few months back. While Chelsea wasn’t an MT employee, she was definitely in Tag’s family. Drake had also been pivotal in taking down Levi Green—a man Tag had considered extremely dangerous.

“Given what I knew about Madeline’s connection to Deke, I rather thought if I brought Big Tag in, I would lose control of the op. This particular mission requires finesse, and your team isn’t known for its subtlety,” Drake explained. “There is a delicacy to the matter.”

Deke could figure out what was so delicate. “Who’s invested in Byrne? I’m going to assume the people you’re working for have some sort of financial stake or they would just walk in and get what they want.”

“Of course they do. Byrne’s companies make billions,” Drake admitted. “And that’s precisely why there are people in the upper echelons of my agency who don’t want me investigating at all.”

“Are you sanctioned to be here?” Boomer asked. “Or have you gone rogue?”

“Hey, why is the CIA involved?” Maddie poured a glass for herself and one for MaeBe. “Shouldn’t some FBI agent have been creeping on me instead of you? Aren’t you supposed to only sleep with foreigners for information?”

“Oh, she’s going to fit in nicely,” Drake cracked. “No one’s going to call the FBI in for the reasons I just gave you. Too many politicians are in bed with Byrne. Hell, I’m sure Byrne going down would affect the bottom lines of a lot of FBI agents, too. I’m authorized to investigate anything I find interesting, so don’t bother trying to get me off the case. All I have right now are suspicions. I’m pretty much doing three jobs at once, and I’m tired and getting old since I had no idea Madeline was in Dallas. I take it there was no spa.”

“I went to Dallas to get Deke. I think something’s wrong at the office, and he’s the person most likely to know how to handle the situation,” Maddie admitted.

“And all those times I asked you about work, you didn’t think to mention your suspicions?” Drake asked. “We were getting close.”

She shook her head. “No, we weren’t. You were nice and all, but I was planning on ending it even before I found out you’re a spy.”

“Why?” Drake sat up straighter, a look of genuine confusion on his face. “On paper I’m perfect for you. I made sure of it.”