A single finger slipped inside her pussy, and he bit her ear gently as he pressed on her clit. It sent her over the edge, waves of pleasure coursing through her system, making her blood pound, making her feel alive for the first time in forever.

She stiffened and then it was like every muscle in her body relaxed and she was languid, his arms the only thing holding her up.

He chuckled and eased his hand out of her undies. “Do you feel better?”

She felt like that was a very good appetizer and she was ready for the main course. He was right. They could view this as a moment in time that didn’t have to lead to anything in the future. They could enjoy each other. “So much better, Sir.”

“I do, too,” he said and straightened up. “That was a good first step. We’ll try it again at Sanctum tomorrow. You good to go to bed?”

“Yes.” She was definitely good to go to bed with him. She’d been dumb to think it was avoidable. She scrambled off his lap and stood on wobbly legs. He could carry her there and rip her clothes off for all she cared. She wasn’t even certain why she’d wanted to avoid this outcome.

He stood up and she could see his erection against his jeans. That was one thing that definitely hadn’t been a false memory. His cock was big, just like it had been all those years ago. She could feel it in her hand. She’d loved stroking him and getting her mouth on him.

Oh, she wanted to feel his mouth on her.

“We’re wheels up at eight in the morning.” He put a hand on her shoulder, an earnest expression on his face. “I think if we get in a good ten or twelve more hours, we’ll be ready for at least a first meeting. Thank you for trusting me, Maddie. I can’t tell you how much it means.”

She stared at him for a moment because he did not seem like a guy who was about to sweep her off her feet. “I’m glad. This was…training?”

“This was exactly what we’re supposed to do. I think it was a great first step. I can’t tell you how relieved I am. I thought I would have to turn you over to Kyle, and I did not want to do that.”

Then shouldn’t he take her to bed? “I didn’t either. I wanted you. I want you.”

His lips curled into a bright smile. Not a sexy, I’m-about-to-get-inside-you smile, more like a teacher whose student finally passed a test. “I’m glad because no one is going to watch your back the way I will. I promise, follow my lead and I’ll do everything I can to protect you and get the information you need. I’ll see you in the morning.”

He squeezed her shoulder briefly and then turned and walked back inside.

What the hell had just happened? She’d had her mind blown and he’d been totally in control.

He was supposed to be. He was the Dom. He was supposed to stay in control so she didn’t have to be. It was part of the exchange.

So why did it feel like she’d missed something?

Maddie sank down on the couch and reached for Deke’s beer. He’d abandoned it so now it was hers. She took a long swig. Her body still felt spectacular, but her brain had turned on again.

It was going to be a long night.

Chapter Six

Sunday afternoon, Madeline was still frustrated. Not at the training she’d gone through in the last thirty-six hours. She’d been surprised to find she’d enjoyed herself for much of it. Once she’d relaxed and decided to honestly try to let go of her preconceived notions, she’d been able to sink into the role. There had been no more orgasms, but she’d gone with Deke to a play party and had seemed to pass all his tests. She’d enjoyed talking to the men and women of Sanctum, listening to their stories, and really opening herself to the experience.

Nope. She was frustrated for the basest of all reasons. She was sexually frustrated.

“Hey, you don’t do that again.”

She glanced up from her seat on the private plane they were taking back to LA and saw MaeBe turning to Kyle.

“Do what?” The young woman with the vibrant pink hair seemed genuinely confused.

Kyle frowned down at her. If she hadn’t really watched the man over the last couple of days she might be concerned for Mae. He was intimidating when he wanted to be. He could also be quite handsome and charming and so obviously into the hacker. “We talked about this. We’re not breaking cover unless we’re absolutely certain no one is around. I know this is a private airport, but there are still cameras. You don’t carry your own bags. That’s my job and you should have stopped and let me help you on the stairs.”