He was so big and warm and he smelled good. She’d spent the last few weeks on edge, and that all seemed to melt away now that she was here with him. She turned her head his way, appreciating the hard line of his jaw.

“So you’re saying we should work within the parameters of our contract and not worry about what happens after.”

His hand moved along her thigh, making her breath catch, making her remember all the parts of the contract that had been about sexual contact.

She could stop it at any time, but she couldn’t seem to remember why she would want that. Oh, in the back of her head a whole lot of warning bells were going off, but it was easy to ignore them now that they were alone.

“I’m saying this is a couple of weeks where we get to enjoy each other again,” Deke murmured. “In a new way. I’ll be your top and you’ll get to know one person in the world has your back completely. If you can trust me.”

“I trust you. I wouldn’t have flown halfway across the country if I didn’t. I trust you even though we haven’t seen each other in years.” She let her head drift back to rest on his broad shoulder. “I’m sorry for how I reacted today. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I don’t deal with stress well.”

“One of the clauses in our contract talks about comfort,” Deke pointed out. “I remember well how stressed you can get. Your brain rarely shuts down. Will you give me permission to try an experiment? You can stop me at any time.”

“Are you going to touch me?”

“Yes. I’m going to slip my hand under your panties and then I’m going to find your little clit and I’m going to rub it and tease it until you forget to think about everything that went wrong today.”

She couldn’t even hear the alarm bells anymore. If they were going off, it was such a distant thing that it no longer mattered. She wasn’t sure how she’d gone from arguing with the man two minutes before, to feeling guilty about the way she’d treated him, to her whole body going soft and willing from his words. “That would probably make me stop thinking about how scared I am.”

“I need you to spread your legs for me.”

He’d asked to do this very thing at the club and she’d struggled with it, but now she simply did as he commanded.

“Very good.” His hand ran up her inner thigh, brushing against her pussy. “We talked about some of the philosophy behind Dominance and submission when it comes to sex, but I don’t think I plainly put why I enjoy it.”

“I would think it’s the orgasms.”

He nipped her ear, a sharp shock that made her squirm. “No sarcasm right now, brat, or we’ll move to punishment instead of reward. Do you want to try a spanking this evening or would you like me to fulfill part of my contract with you?”

His hand was so close. She wasn’t about to tell him that even the tiny bite he’d given her had done something for her. She would bet a lot that he already knew exactly how she would react. Like he’d known just how to tug on her hair to light up her senses. “The contract thing. Definitely.”

His fingers slipped under the waistband of the silky lingerie she wore. She was fairly certain her granny panties had been tossed in the trash, but she’d been left with a box of gorgeous undies she likely would never have bought for herself.

“One of the reasons the subs I know enjoy a night in the club with a Dom is that they get permission to let go,” Deke explained. “Of course you don’t need permission, but some of the submissives find it hard to enjoy themselves on a physical level because they can’t shut their brains down. They worry. They overthink. Does that sound like someone we know?”


Another nip. “What do you call me?”

They’d talked about this during the sessions this afternoon and she’d called him Deke all night. Now that she was sitting here with him, she could see that she hadn’t truly opened herself to the experience. He was giving her a way to connect to him safely. In these moments, he wasn’t Deke and she wasn’t Madeline. Not wholly. Like Serena had said. They could be different versions of themselves. “Sir. I call you Sir.”

“And I call you… What do you want me to call you?”

She was supposed to pick a pet name, a way to put some distance between her different selves. When he called her by this name, she could let go of her daily cares and concentrate on serving Sir.

When she’d read about subs doing this, she’d scoffed a bit, but now she understood. This wasn’t about the Dom having a servant. It was about two people choosing to fulfill each other’s needs.