He looked over at Maddie and she was saying something to MaeBe, a light in her eyes. Then she seemed to remember she was wearing a thong and she went tight again.

He had to get her to relax, to be as comfortable with herself as she’d been when they were in high school. Sex would solve all his problems.

She could talk about dating a guy all she liked, but she admitted she hadn’t slept with him. He would bet any relationships she’d had mostly revolved around work and hadn’t been hot and heavy.

Not the way it had been with them. They’d made love the first time when they were sixteen and both virgins. It hadn’t been great, but they’d practiced and before long they’d gone at it anywhere they could, anytime they could.

They’d once had sex in the storage closet at the First Presbyterian Church during one of his sister’s wedding receptions.

When was the last time Maddie had a man so fucking hungry for her?

“Do you think she’ll enjoy D/s sex?” Kyle asked.

“I can make her love it. I can make her crave it.” He knew that woman, and like he’d told Adam, the core of her hadn’t changed. She might have grown and matured, but her deep-seated needs hadn’t changed. She was a creature of intellect, and he could make her remember that she could be sensual, too.

Kyle was right. He’d been coming at this from his younger self, the one who worried he wouldn’t be enough for her.

If Maddie had come into her own, then he had, too. His needs hadn’t changed, but he’d learned how to satisfy them in a way that could serve them both. He’d been tentative with her because her words had hurt his feelings.

Fuck his feelings. He was acting like a lovesick boy, and it was time to be a Dom.

“I think we’ll watch some scenes, too.” He stood up just as one of the newer members approached the table the ladies were occupying. He was one of the lawyers who worked with the Domme in residence. He was big and broad, and some women might find him attractive in a douchebag, coming-onto-other-Doms’-subs way.

Of course two of the women at the table weren’t wearing collars, but he wasn’t in the mood to be understanding.

“Who the fuck is that?” Kyle proved he could be a possessive ass, too.

“Does it matter?” He couldn’t remember the dude’s name, but he was encroaching heavily. The Dom placed himself squarely between Maddie and MaeBe, giving them both a jerkface smirk he probably thought was sexy or some shit. He leaned over and seemed to be whispering something Maddie’s way.

Yeah, that wasn’t happening. He crossed the distance between them in a quick order.

“Oh, I’m not sure I’m supposed to do that.” Maddie’s eyes had gone wide, and she was looking the other man over like he was a popsicle on a hot day. “I mean it’s really nice of you to ask, but I’m kind of working.”

“Yes, she’s working with me. I’m training her,” Deke announced.

Kori snorted and her eyes rolled, proving years of marriage hadn’t made her any less of a brat. “I can bet what comes next.”

“She’s not wearing a collar,” the douchebag asswipe said.

“How many times have I heard this conversation?” Kori asked to no one in particular.

“Oh, I haven’t had time to get a collar,” Maddie said. “I just got in last night. We had to send someone out to get these… Do we call them underwear? I’m not actually wearing them under anything. Also, they’re not very comfortable.”

“You’re going to be wearing them under my hand, baby,” he promised. “When I spank you. Come on. We’re going to watch some scenes, and I promise she’ll have a collar on tomorrow.”

The guy wasn’t at all upset at the cockblock. He simply moved on to the next target. He looked MaeBe’s way. “How about you, sweetheart? You need a play partner?”

“Do you need to sleep at night? Because I promise you touch her arm again and you won’t because you’ll sit up all night worried that I’m going to sneak in and cut off your fingers and stuff them in all your holes,” Kyle promised.

MaeBe simply smiled the guy’s way as she eased off her barstool. “He’s joking, but we are actually supposed to work a bit tonight. We’re all MT employees and we have to save the world and stuff. But thanks for asking. I’m here most Fridays.”

“Not for a while.” Kyle moved in close. He might be a kinder, gentler Kyle when it came to talking about his past, but he was still a raging ball of murder when it came to MaeBe Vaughn. “We won’t be back for at least a couple of weeks, so you should find someone else to play with.”

The guy put his hands up in obvious defeat. “I will do just that. Have a good night, folks.”