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“Sylvester, stop climbing on the dog. He’s not a horse,” Deke’s mother yelled from the back porch.

Deke chuckled because that dog was pretty much as big as a horse and way more patient than any he’d known. Sylvester, though, took a step back from the gigantic mutt and started looking around for his next adventure.

Deke’s next adventure began tonight.

“How you holding up, son?” His father stepped up beside him. “You ready for tonight?”

Tonight, he was going to ask the love of his life to become his wife. Tonight, their future began.

He just wished his friends were here to see it. He’d made the decision to ask Maddie to marry him here in Calhoun where their journey had begun for sentimental and practical reasons. He wanted to be surrounded by his sisters and nieces and nephews, but he would miss the family he’d made in Dallas.

But they were in mourning.

“I am. I know it seems too soon,” he began.

His father shook his head. “Absolutely not. You’re years behind. It’s time to catch up with your sisters.”

“Don’t expect more grandchildren any time soon.” Not that he and Maddie weren’t already talking about starting a family.

He glanced out over the big backyard where both their families were gathered. Maddie stood by the oak tree they used to sit under on hot summer days and drink his mom’s lemonade and make out when no one was looking.

“Take your time, but not too long,” his dad said with a chuckle. “Your mom’s making a cake. I figure it’s a celebration cake if Maddie says yes, and if she doesn’t, you can drown your sorrows in it.”

Maddie’s head turned slightly. She caught him staring at her, and she gave him the most brilliant smile.

Deke winked her way. “She’ll say yes.”

“I suspect she will,” his dad agreed. “How’s your shoulder doing?”

The spot where he’d been hit by the guard’s bullet had healed nicely over the last few weeks. He’d been in the hospital for a couple of days and then back at Maddie’s before coming up here to spend time with the family. In two days Big Tag was sending that airplane for him, and he would go home.

“It’s good. I’m ready to get back to work.” He was ready to show Maddie all around Dallas, and they would start looking for a new place while she began her job hunt. Byrne Corp was in legal shambles, but she’d managed to get much of her work out. She would have to start over, but not from scratch.

He rather thought she was looking forward to the challenge.

“I was real sorry to hear about your friends.” His father’s expression turned solemn.

“Me, too, but we’ll make it through.” They would. They would huddle close and mourn their losses and when the inevitable happened, they would get through that, too.

“Is his girlfriend doing all right?” his father asked. “You said something about her getting out of the hospital, too.”

MaeBe had been shot and her arm broken, but it was her heart he was worried about. Big Tag wasn’t letting her stay at her own place. She was currently holed up at Hutch and Noelle’s condo, but he was planning to move her around while he assessed the danger.

“She’s healing, but it’s going to take a while for her to get over what happened here.” He hated his involvement in breaking MaeBe’s heart. Especially when he’d gotten his heart’s desire back in his arms.

“Of course it will.” His dad stepped back. “You’re a good man, son, and you’re going to make a wonderful husband. I’m going to make sure the champagne is chilling properly because the truth is we both know there’s going to be a celebration tonight.” His dad pointed to his left. “Ruthie, do not throw that at your sister.”

And his dad was off, trying to hold back the chaos every family gathering brought.

“Deke, I think I know what your boss meant.” Maddie walked up the porch steps, her cell phone in hand and her eyes wide.

He reached for her free hand, taking it in his and threading their fingers together. “What happened?”

She held up her phone. “I have a meeting with Drew Lawless. He was the other big offer. I took Byrne’s because of the stock, but Mr. Lawless is certain we can come to terms with that this time around. Apparently he’s got some kind of think tank going and he wants me to join. And it’s in Dallas, not Austin. How crazy is that?”

It wasn’t crazy at all. Ian Taggart was at work doing what he could to make his friends’ lives better in his quiet way. “One of Tag’s brothers is married to Lawless’s sister. I’m sure he mentioned you could use a new gig. But you don’t take a job until you’re ready. You don’t have to take one because it’s in Dallas.”