“We’ve got a sub who is totally into petting. If he’s been super good or needs some comfort, his top lets him have a petting night. So he gets all tied up, blindfolded, and left in the middle of the dungeon and anyone who likes gets to pet and/or smack his ass. He does it for hours. We’ll have a table of paddles and floggers and feathers and soft gloves. And a bunch of treats for people to feed him. He’s our pet. I would put it off, but it’s his birthday and apparently he had a shitty nose job.”

“He got a nose job?” The whole petting thing didn’t shock him. He’d seen worse. There was a guy at Sanctum into ball busting. Like his own balls. That dude was never procreating.

“No, Bernie’s a world-famous plastic surgeon,” Kay explained. “He had a nose job go wrong, and he’s going to get hella sued. He needs some petting, if you know what I mean.”

“I think it will be fine,” Deke replied.

“Good, then we can get to the fun stuff.” Kay looked up at Boomer. “Hey, is Deke really doing okay?”

“I’m right here.” He knew how these conversations went. Hell, he’d been Boomer in these situations. Many times.

“Nah, he’s fucking up.” Boomer completely ignored him. Rather like Deke himself had. Again, many times.

Karma sucked.

“Okay, this is where I’m usually the adult in the room and steer the conversation back to the actual case, but fuck it. When in Rome and all. Boomer’s right. Deke’s fucking up.” Drake sighed and sat back on the sofa under the room’s only window. “We never do this at the Agency, by the way.”

Score one point for the Agency. He sighed. “Fine. How am I screwing up? Because by my count I have everything I want. She sleeps in my bed. She’s agreed to let me top her. She’s been obeying me in the field. We’re good, Maddie and I.”

Except he knew they weren’t. He could feel something was off. She came to bed with him every night but she’d stopped talking about anything important. She told him about her day, asked about his, but when he tried to broach any talk of a future together, she diverted the conversation. She smiled and happily spent time with MaeBe and the rest, but there was a distance between them that made his heart ache.

He couldn’t figure it out, and there was a part of him that was so fucking scared to talk about it with her. Like opening the subject would lead to a conversation he couldn’t handle.

“I don’t think so,” Kyle said with a frown. “Look, I don’t want to get involved in some other dude’s stuff.”

“You get involved all the time,” MaeBe corrected. “Like every single time. You’re as bad as Big Tag.”

Kyle didn’t miss a beat. “Like I said, I hate even commenting on someone else’s relationship, but I have to say Maddie’s not happy.”

“How is she not happy?” He gave her like three orgasms a day. He made sure that woman was loose and ready to do anything she needed.

MaeBe frowned thoughtfully. “I don’t know that I would say she isn’t happy. I would say something is making her restless.”

“She’s floating, man.” Boomer moved to sit on the couch with Drake. “She’s not thinking about anything but right now, and you’re planning a wedding.”

Kyle snorted and then winced when every head turned his way. “Sorry. I just had a vision of Deke in white being left at the altar. It was kind of funny.”

“Asshole,” MaeBe said under her breath. “Boomer’s right. She’s not thinking beyond today, and I don’t think she’s that kind of person. She’s a planner. She’s got calendars all over her place. This is not a woman who floats through life.”

“It’s a new relationship.” It wasn’t, and neither were the feelings they both had. Their history was a strength. It gave them something to build on.

“New relationships don’t typically get this serious,” Drake pointed out. “I know none of mine have. You two are relying on an old relationship, and one I would bet you never really settled. She talked to her mother yesterday. She didn’t even mention you. Hey, skulking around and listening in are literally my jobs.”

She hadn’t told him she’d talked to her mom. He guessed he could understand it. She wouldn’t want to explain the circumstances around how they’d been thrown back together. It would worry her whole family.

Or she didn’t talk to her mom about relationships she knew weren’t going to last.

There was a distance between them, and he wasn’t sure how to broach it. “She won’t talk about how we left things. I think she’s still angry with me for not allowing her to ruin her future.”

Kayla’s eyes had gone wide. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”