For all my fear, my mouth and my sex responded in kind. I wrapped my leg around him and plunged my tongue down his throat. I’d wanted this for weeks. Would I finally find the gratification I was denied earlier?

Zephyr’s hands released my tits and moved down the small of my back, under my panties. I moaned around his tongue as he pulled apart my cheeks. Rubbing myself against his leg was divine, but he intensified the sensation by pressing a naughty errant finger against my asshole.

“Oh God!” I cried, pulling my lips from his.

“You’re going to feel things you didn’t know you could feel,” he promised.

All at once, I was in the air, spinning. Zephyr had wrapped his arms around my legs and lifted me. If he wished, he could have let go and sent me sailing to my death. At that moment, though, I wasn’t afraid.

He laid me flat on the stonework and tore away my underwear. My fingers plunged down to my clit. I played with myself as Zephyr removed and folded his jacket. He was breathing through his teeth, just as he had that afternoon long ago when we masturbated for each other by the wall.

Lowering his zipper, he produced a huge, pulsing hard-on.

No words, no more foreplay. Still dressed in a shirt and trousers, he mounted me and thrust home. Immediately, my climax rumbled within. I grabbed hold of his flexing buttocks and drew that hard cock as deep into me as it would go.

“Are you ready, Biba?” he grunted into my ear.

With that, he began thrusting, pummeling me hard. With each penetration, I felt the rich English wool of his suit rub against my clit. Each piston clap intensified the roiling orgasm within me. It also pushed me closer to the tower’s edge.

“You’re gonna make me come, baby!” I screamed. “I’m gonna come. Oh fuck, oh yes!”

When the dam burst, my words broke apart. I let my head fall back, but there was no floor. We had fucked our way to the very edge. Wrapped around each other, we were a couple gyrations from falling over the side.

As I came, all I could see was blue sky and mountains.

Chapter 24


It was the last week of term. Finals were approaching fast, and I was cramming. Each evening of the prior weeks, when I should have been reading, I was on my back with Zephyr above me. He kept promising the exams didn’t matter: he would arrange a passing grade for me.

That wasn’t my nature. I was a worker at heart. Besides, I didn’t want to get into an Ivy League school through money or connections. I wanted it on merit. To Zephyr’s annoyance, I banned him from my room for the last week before finals.

“You’re going to make up for it,” he assured me. “You won’t be able to walk all summer when I’m done with you.”

I was reminded of a stray line from Shakespeare: Things at the worst will cease or else climb upward to what they were before.

That was how the last week felt. Everyone was in a state of stasis. Zephyr and his boys were acting tough in the courtyard. I was cooped away in my room, studying. Gail and Theo were, as best I could tell, doing fine. It was hard to imagine that in only a few days, we would all leave this place and return home.

Not that I had a home to return to. I was toying with returning to the States, maybe connecting with my extended family in New England. Zephyr wanted me to hang around Cote d’Azur with him, which, I had to admit, was tempting. I could think of worse fates than sunbathing on his family’s yacht all summer.

Miss Amelia offered me the chance to remain on campus and complete an independent study on a slate of second-year classes. The idea would be that I could potentially put myself on course to wrap up my Stormcloud education a year early. That, too, was tempting.

But before I could do any of that, I needed to pass the classes I was in now. That meant shutting out the world and pretending the trials and enticements of my life didn’t exist.

Then, one of the biggest trials knocked at my door.

It was two in the morning. I was sitting cross-legged on my bed in sweatpants and a tattered tank top paging through some impenetrable text on the rare metals market when someone rapped meekly at my door.

I glanced up, half-assuming it was someone tapping on the wrong door. The only person who would interrupt me at that hour was Zephyr, and he never did anything meekly. Then, I thought of one other person who might want to talk to me but would be too polite to wake me with a hard knock.