Part of what made it possible for me to remain in my blissful state that Monday was that no one was jostling me, sniggering at me, or treating me like a leper. It appeared that Zephyr had lifted my death sentence.

I had discovered, despite myself, the only way I knew to handle him. I was almost looking forward to seeing how much I could get away with. Men thought they were so strong and so superior—yet women had the foresight to see their soft power and take advantage.

The high King of Stormcloud wanted me, and as long as I remained open to his desires, he would give me free rein. Since I rather enjoyed Zephyr’s sensual skills, I didn’t feel the least bit concerned about this arrangement.

I got the opportunity to test the limits of my newfound strength after the second period.

I was coming out of class when Poppy Holland suddenly appeared in my path. She was chewing gum and tossing her long dark hair over her shoulder with an “I’m in charge here” attitude. She slowly looked me over, bottom to top, and turned down the corners of her mouth.

“I don’t know what he sees in you.”

Her tone was arrogant and condescending, but I resisted the impulse to sock her in the mouth and smear her crimson lipstick all over her nose. Then she would truly look like a poppy, I thought to myself. I was calm. I was in control. Her words slid off my back like a snowpack off a spring roof.

“I said I don’t know what he sees in you,” she repeated.

“I heard you,” I answered calmly.

Poppy waited another minute and then burst. “Why does he want me to show you the ropes?”

“Who are you talking about?”

“Zeph, of course.” She was frowning and looking utterly perturbed with me; I loved it.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Could you move, please? I’m late.” I plowed right through her space, forcing her to lean back or be knocked to the floor.

I was fifteen feet down the hallway before I heard her shout, “Wait a minute! I was talking to you.”

I kept going, ignoring her. People in the hall stepped back with a look that said they wanted out of the path of this clash of female titans. I was up for a battle. I had been for a long time—frustration and condescension were just no longer going to be on my menu.

I felt her jerk my elbow to spin me around. I pulled away.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I replied, then added, to annoy her: “You’re Erin, right?”

“I’m Poppy!” she barked. Apparently, she disliked anyone confusing the two, and the fact that it was me probably angered her even more.

“Well, then, Poppy, you lay a hand on me again, and you’ll be putting on your mascara with your toes.”

I pushed past her again. Suddenly, I sensed her coming up behind me and then felt pain as she grabbed a chunk of my long hair and jerked my head backward. I didn’t give her a moment to rejoice in her cunning but swung around in a clean motion and slapped her across the face. Hard.

“Fight! Fight!” The word was relayed down the hall as people turned to jostle for a ringside seat.

Poppy came at me, my handprint still scarlet on her cheek. I side-stepped her lunge neatly, and she drove herself into the floor, landing hard on her shoulder. She cried out, but no one moved to help her up. With a callous attitude,] I didn’t think I was capable of, I continued down the hall, ignoring her and her injury.

I felt a hand on me, and this time it turned me around. It was Theo.

“Biba! What in the hell is the matter with you? This isn’t the girl I know.”

I shot back, “That’s strange, Theo. I thought you were already done with me.”

“I’ve been thinking about it. I was unfair—”

“Save it! You had your chance. I’m not as forgiving as I was when you met me.”

I saw his face fall, and he let go of my shoulder. He looked like an eight-year-old who had just discovered there was no Santa Claus. He backed away and then stooped to see to Poppy and her shoulder. I turned the corner to go to my room, but as I unlocked my door, I saw him carrying her toward the infirmary.

Old instinct made me want to run toward him and apologize. Survival instinct drove me into my room and to shut the door behind me.

I was shocked to see Zephyr standing there. I nearly screamed.

A wicked smile crossed his face. “I have to say, I’m impressed.”

I exhaled with frustration. “She started it.”

“I don’t doubt that. She was under my orders.”

“Did you tell her to attack me?” I drew in my breath at my own boldness. I had to remember my resolve when dealing with him and his tremendous ego.