Theo picked up my prompt. “You know about the Equinox Ball, right?”

Gail and I both gaped at him, our confusion written on our faces.

Theo tried to clarify, “The Spring Equinox Ball? The huge costume ball at the beginning of March?”

“Costume ball?” I answered. “No, never heard anything about it.”

“Huh.” He wiped his mouth and carefully stacked his utensils and napkin on his plate. “Anyway, on the Spring Equinox, when the day and night are the same length, there’s this huge, masked dance. They say the founders of Stormcloud Academy were astronomy obsessives. There’s even evidence that Galileo gave a lecture soon after the school opened.”

“That’s bloody wild,” Gail muttered, so engaged with Theo that she seemed to have forgotten the silent zombies staring at us and her formal dialect.

“Anyway, there’s a ballroom at the end of the classroom wing that faces north. Orchestra, chandeliers, tables of food and drinks. You come in costume. It’s a pretty big deal, actually.”

“Where are we going to get costumes?” she asked.

“Not sure, but I think the girls go to a shop in Wachsbrunnen village. You can walk there in about thirty minutes.”

Despite everything else, I found myself feeling optimistic. It was only a costume party, and it was a month away, but it was something to look forward to instead of something to dread. I stood up.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I thought I’d take my dirty dishes up. I have to study at some point tonight.”

He and Gail nodded and smiled warmly. I walked down the center aisle, right next to Zephyr’s table. Everyone in the room was still childishly taking part in his escapade. When I came abreast of Erin and Poppy’s table, I heard a clatter of silverware, like someone had dropped their tray. Although I knew I should just keep moving, my eyes strayed to the table, just in time for Poppy to stand and swing her tray into my face.

The resin slab smacked me hard, causing me to drop my items and stumble backward. I lost my footing immediately and collapsed. Beyond humiliation, this assault would not have been terribly harmful physically. Unfortunately, my cheek connected with a table on the way down. I was lucky not to crack my face, but it still hurt like a bitch.

The dining room burst into laughter. My adrenaline was pumping now, and in an instant, I was on my feet.

“What the fuck?” I screamed.

“That’s for mouthing off to Zephyr!” Poppy shouted back.

I reared back and swung an open palm across her dumb, contorted face. Then it was a free-for-all.

The Kings were on their feet. Arvo shoved me back to save Poppy from the full-scale mauling I was intent on. I spotted Theo flash by me. He grabbed Arvo by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. His arm was pulled back, ready to punch him. Then, I heard glass shatter. Zephyr, with a shit-eating grin, had smashed the glass of a fire alarm.

Theo let go, looking around as Arvo slipped from his grasp and calmly reclaimed his seat, folding his arms over his chest. Zephyr sat next to him. Erin was consoling Poppy, who was acting like my single slap had injured her like a blow from a Louisville Slugger.

A commotion poured in from the entrance. Miss Amelia blew a whistle and pointed with a flagman’s arms to the overhead EXIT signs while men came in with full fireman’s gear, holding a water hose.

Dean Schmidt appeared, apprised the situation, and then walked over to the alarm and, using his key, turned it off. “Is anyone injured?” He was met by silence. “Can anyone report a fire?” No response. “Then, may I ask, who did this?”

He looked straight at Theo, who returned with a level look. “Zephyr Williams, sir,” he answered.

As if rehearsed, a chorus of “Theo Brant” shouts fired off to the dean without dissent. Zephyr had set him up.

I stood and said as loudly as I could, “It was Zephyr, sir. They’re covering for him.”

The dean turned to consider me. “Your word against that of what, a hundred and twenty other students?”

I nodded, setting my chin.

“Then I’ll see you both in my office in five minutes.”

Dean Schmidt closed his office door before he swung around the end of his desk and slid into his chair. He contemplated Theo and my faces and then picked up a pen and began ticking it against the wood of his desk.

“Someone had better explain what went on out there. Miss Quinn, you look worse for wear. Perhaps you should begin.”

I sat up straighter and pushed my soup-soaked hair behind my ears. “Thank you, sir. Poppy Holland accosted me in the dining room as I was returning my dishes. Theo came to my defense when Arvo tried to get involved. He and Zephyr Williams had it planned. When Theo took hold of Arvo, Zephyr smashed the fire alarm.”