“Don’t you think you’re over-reacting, maybe just a little?”

“I didn’t say talk,” she snapped. “I said to listen. Now then. Zephyr’s family has more money than God, and there’s nothing they won’t buy for him if he wants it. Human, or otherwise. If he’s on your tail, you’d better tighten your ass and make a run for it. He’s as mean as a junkyard dog, but behind that bluster, gears are turning. He’s calculating as hell. You may think you got the better of him ‘cause you made a jackass of him in the dining hall, but believe me, he’s planning something a thousand times worse for you.”

“Yeah,” I replied, not hiding my disdain for all the theatrics, “he made as much clear to me last period. That jerk has a mouth on him.”

“He can back it up, Biba.”

“What’s he going to do? Have me whacked?”

I laughed at my own hyperbole, but Buffy was stone-faced serious. Was she implying that he could have me killed?

“His daddy owns ships,” she whispered, “Big, big ships that crisscross all the oceans, carrying whatever ill-gotten goods come with the highest profit. It’ll all be Zephyr’s someday, and that makes him the most popular guy in this place. Every girl has her cap set for him, and they don’t care whether he puts his cigars out on their tits and cusses into her vajayjay, as long as they have his ring on their left hand.”

“I suppose that includes you?” I couldn’t help myself, but my comment was met with a ferocious stare, so I clammed up. “Sorry.”

“As—I—was—saying…” she enunciated the words hard, “nothing in this place moves without his knowledge and permission. That includes the professors and especially Miss Amelia. Without his father’s referrals and endorsement, you might as well lock the doors and throw yourself off one of these damnably cold mountain peaks.”

“So, what do you want me to do? Apologize to him?”

Buffy spun around, her mouth open. “Stay away. Far, far away. He’s not like you, not an innocent. He’ll take you out before you even realize it. And that goes for his lieutenants, too—Sol and Arvo. They’re just as mean as he is, and they do whatever he tells them.”

“Buffy, I love it that you’re being protective. I truly do. But I’d be willing to bet that most of what he is has more to do with exaggerated gossip rather than truth. If he’s that bad, they won’t allow him at a school like this.”

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, you can’t be this innocent. I don’t know where you came from or what sorts of folks you’re used to dealing with, but you can consider this a free life lesson from Beatrice Worthington. The people who control the purse strings control the world. Zephyr’s folks have a monopoly on power at Stormcloud, so as far as we’re concerned, he’s God. Now, you don’t have to listen to my warnings if you don’t want to, but don’t ever say I didn’t try to tell you. I was hoping you’d see sense and keep him away from the both of us. I have a stake in this, too, you know. Have it your way.”

Buffy was on the verge of hyperventilating, so intent was she on warning me against all the bogeymen at Stormcloud Academy. I wanted to humor her, make her believe that I saw where she was coming from, but the whole thing was so ridiculous. So, I changed the subject:

“Tell me about Erin and Poppy.”

“Oh, Lordy. Haven’t you had enough?”

“Why? What’s wrong?” I ran my fingers through my long, creamy blond hair. It needed washing, and I recalled my intention to be in early and take a hot shower.

Buffy rolled her eyes and picked up her books. “My advice to you is to stay away from them. You don’t need to add that to your troubles.”

“Why? They can’t be that bad.”

“Says she who didn’t even know who Zephyr is.”

“Oh, c’mon.”

Buffy sat up. “Look, I have a class. I gotta go. I’m telling you to leave them alone, but it sounds like you’re planning to do exactly the opposite. I’ll warn you, Biba. This isn’t my battle. If you go against my advice, you’re on your own. It’s not that I don’t care; it’s just that we’re roadkill against them. Get it?”

I nodded. “I get it.”

Buffy nodded and headed to the door. She stopped next to me and impulsively kissed the top of my head. “Gawd, girl, I hope you’re ready for what’s headed your way.”

With that ominous warning, Buffy was out the door, and I was left standing dumbly in the bathroom. I stayed a moment to take stock of my situation. Evidently, I had committed an unforgivable offense against of university sociopath with more money than Crassus and more influence than the Illuminati. My roommate was ranting at me like a crazy person. I was attending the hardest classes I’ve ever taken. Plus, I hadn’t showered in, like, three days. At least I didn’t have leprosy. Yet.