She wants me as much as I want her.

“You’re revolting,” she suddenly says as she turns away.

And just like that, it’s gone. The ice queen is back.

It just makes me want her even more. I got a glimpse of the real Eleanor. Of her filthy hidden desires. Of her suppressed sensuality.

I want to crack the ice around her and release the sexual goddess I know she’s hiding deep inside that gorgeous body.

A few minutes later, Linda and my father are all dressed up in their winter gear and ready to go.

“I’m so sorry,” Linda says as she kisses her daughter’s forehead.

“It’s fine, Mom,” she says, pushing her away. “Go have fun. You deserve it.”

My father is standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

“We’ll be back before dinner,” he says. “We’ll order a pizza or something.”

“Enjoy the slopes,” I say.

He looks at me, is about to say something, and then leaves without saying a word.

My father, ladies and gentlemen… always a prick.

I’m imagining all sorts of enticing possibilities as they put their boots on at the door. I’m going to be all alone with my new stepsister and I can’t wait to get to know her better.

“Bye!” Linda says one last time before opening and closing the door.

And just like that…

…we’re all alone.



* * *

I’ve locked myself in my room.

I don’t trust myself around this guy. I’m either going to kill him or kiss him.

I’m not sure which option would be worse for me.

He took a shower in our joint bathroom with the freaking door open! I came hobbling down the steps to get my book and the jerk left both of the damn doors wide freaking open.

I guess he wanted me to see his naked body, but the jokes on him. The fog was covering the glass and I couldn’t see anything but his silhouette even though I looked three times!

I’m staring at my book, trying to focus on the words. I swear I’ve read the same line a dozen times and I still don’t know what it says.

“Okay,” I mutter. “Let’s try this again… The King demanded that Queen Abigail take the—”

Three soft knocks on the door.

I swallow hard as I lower my book and look at the door.

Just knowing he’s there is enough to make me all shaky and light-headed. I don’t understand the control he has over me. Even now, my body is craving him. It’s demanding that I get up, open the door, and let him ravage me on the bed. My pussy is throbbing, begging for everything he’s laid out on the table.

“Go away!” I shout.

He laughs. I hate that it makes me smile.

“I’m going into the hot tub, want to join me?”

“I’d rather twist my other ankle, thanks.”

“Suit yourself,” he says. “I’ll be in the hot tub. Bathing suits optional.”

I hear his footsteps going up the stairs and I secretly wish he’d come back, open the door, talk to me some more.

“Who needs him?” I mutter as I turn back to my book. I read the same line over and over again until I realize that I’m thirsty.

There’s a glass of water beside me, but it’s probably warm by now.

I toss my book on the bed and walk up the stairs with my heart pounding.

“Hello?” I whisper as I peek into the living room. The house is silent.

I continue fumbling with my crutches up the stairs and gasp when I see Tanner in the hot tub outside.

There he is—tattooed arms up on the sides (one in a cast, one perfect), head back, eyes closed to the sun. His hair is damp, which I love. He looks so peaceful. So sexy.

Maybe he’s not so bad…

No, he’s the worst.


I don’t know anymore. Things would be so much easier if we weren’t related. I could have a crush on him and it wouldn’t be immoral or wrong. This is so taboo. It’s so filthy. Maybe that fact is making me want it even more?

I’m so confused.

I don’t know anything anymore.

He’s not actually naked is he?

I step onto the toes of my good foot and try to peek up. I see his muscular naked chest and the beginning of what is surely a perfectly-defined six-pack plunging into the water, but I can’t see a bathing suit. Doesn’t mean he’s not wearing one.

Maybe I could join him. It does look rather tempting.

And for sure he’s wearing a bathing suit…

Even Tanner Lawson can’t be that bold and brazen.

I hobble back down the stairs before I chicken out and fish the bikini out of my bag. I lied to him when I said I didn’t bring it. I saw the listing online. I knew there was a hot tub on the back porch.

“This is a bad idea,” I whisper to myself as I put it on. Bad idea or not, I’m joining him.