Page 73 of The Assignment

Kiki started to run off, but suddenly turned around and headed back my direction. To my surprise, she reached up to hug me. I knelt and took her into my arms, closing my eyes at the sweetness of it all. I could smell French fries in her hair. She didn’t say anything. She didn’t have to.

After Kiki left, Aspyn gaped. “Wow.”

“We had a good time.” I smiled.

“She doesn’t give hugs very easily.”

“Well, she’s a tough customer…like her aunt.”

I spent the next several minutes elaborating on the brief details Kiki had spat out about our night.

Aspyn shook her head incredulously. “What was the DJ thinking playing that song? But I’m happy it brought her out of her shell.”

“I knew if I didn’t do something drastic, she was going to continue to let that girl get to her. That song wasn’t what I intended, but it definitely broke the somber mood.”

“I’m really glad I let her go tonight. It was good practice for me in letting go, too.”

“I personally love it when you let go.” I squeezed her thigh. “There’s something else I need to tell you.”

She raised her brow. “Okay…”

“When we were at the diner, Kiki and I got on the subject of your ex. She mentioned how she never heard from him again after you guys broke up. She feels like the same thing is going to happen with me someday. So I sort of made her a promise. And I hope you’re okay with it.”

Aspyn’s forehead creased. “What did you say?”

“I told her that no matter what happens between you and me, I’d keep in touch with her—that she can always count on me if she needs to talk to someone. I gave her my email and phone number. Hopefully that’s okay with you. I know I probably should’ve checked first.”

Aspyn nodded, taking it all in. “That’s a pretty big promise. But if you’re okay with that responsibility, I am too. It’s all on you to follow through.”

“I am.” I straightened my back. “And I know that. I won’t take it lightly.”

I was tempted to ask her why she cried after her ex left when she had supposedly initiated the breakup. But ultimately, it wasn’t any of my business. I also didn’t want her getting mad at Kiki for mentioning it.

“The night is still young,” I said. “What do you want to do?”

She fiddled with the button on my shirt. “You wanna watch a movie?”

“Sounds good to me.”

We chose a film at the top spot on Netflix. Aspyn grabbed a massive, furry blanket from the loveseat and placed it over us. I wrapped my arms around her and took in a long whiff of her flowery scent. Ending the night on this note made anything that came before this moment worth it. There was no way in hell I felt like going back to my lonely house tonight. (Sorry, Patrick.) Everything I needed was right here on this couch, under this blanket.

Aspyn nestled into my chest. At one point in the middle of the movie, she arched her neck and turned to look at me. She didn’t say anything, but I knew she wanted a kiss. I gladly obliged, lowering my lips and taking her mouth in mine. Then she flipped her body around so she was facing me. Adjusting the blanket over us, I deepened the kiss.

“I want you,” she whispered.

My dick stiffened.

“Does Kiki ever get up once she’s asleep?” I asked.


“I can be discreet, if you can.”

I’d expected her to give me a reason having sex on this couch was a bad idea, but instead, with hazy eyes, she nodded, apparently giving me full permission to go all in under this blanket.

I unzipped my jeans just enough to take my cock out as she lowered her leggings. I adjusted the blanket to cover us, and she sat on top of me as I sank into her. I didn’t know what it was about this—that we were forced to be quiet, or just that I’d missed her so damn much this week—but being inside of her felt even more incredible than usual. We both came quickly, which was probably a good thing, considering the circumstances.

I kissed the top of her head. “What time can I come over tomorrow?”

“You’re still inside of me, and you’re wondering when you can do it again?”

“Is it just me?”

“No. It’s not.”

My laughter shook against her. “So, what time?”

“My mother is picking her up at noon.”

“So, a minute past twelve?”

“That works.”

After, she disappeared to the bathroom to wash up. When she returned to the couch, she leaned her body against mine as we watched what was left of the movie.

When the credits rolled, I could sense her staring at me. I smiled. “What are you thinking right now?”

“How did I go from hating you to this, Serrano?”