"You are too late, mister," she huffs out. "That train left the station." I laugh.

"Did you actually?" I ask, and she just looks at me.

“You left me pent up with all the hormones,” she says loudly. She sits up, and I can see she’s wearing a white camisole, and I can see her nipples through it. "You left me on the verge of an orgasm, and what did you do? Nothing. What else was I supposed to do? All night, I had to bring out the chest and then even this morning in the shower, and even that didn’t help."

"You dirty, dirty girl." I shake my head, and my cock goes hard, thinking of her pleasuring herself all night long. Thinking about her, I have to squeeze my cock to calm down. "Did you think about me?”

"No,” she huffs out, and my mouth opens again. "It was a threesome with Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth." I see her eyes twinkle, and I wonder if she is telling me the truth, but all I can do is laugh at the top of my lungs. "A good time was had by all."

"You liar." I stare at her. "You thought of me."

"And what if I did?" She stares at me. "Would that make you come here and do me?" It’s my turn to groan.

"You think you are the only one suffering?" I ask. "I was hard all night long."

"Good," she says, satisfied. "I hope you catch blue balls."

I can’t help but laugh at everything she says. "Does one catch blue balls?" I ask. "Maybe I’m suffering from restless dick."

"Or you’re just a dick," she counters. "It could be that you’re just a dick who likes to rub up onto women and then just leave them without that magical moment."

"Magical moment." I repeat the words. "I’ve never heard that saying before."

"Also, in case you want to use that restless dick, you should know that restless dick syndrome means when you take your cock and poke me in the back with it, and I don’t wake up."

"Shut up?" I say, shocked. "You aren’t joking."

"No." She shakes her head. "After I diagnosed myself, I searched just in case, I don’t know, maybe you were perhaps suffering like I was."

"I was suffering," I tell her.

"Good," she says. "That makes it a bit better."

I laugh. "You think I wanted to walk away from you?" My voice goes low as I look into her eyes, and my stomach burns as I think about leaving her in that room. "You think that was easy for me?" I laugh nervously, not even sure I should admit the rest to her. "I walked out of that restaurant, and I could’ve sworn I had cement in my shoes. Every single step felt like I couldn’t move. I drove home and was holding the steering wheel so tight my hands had cramps when I got home. I almost turned the car around ten times. Ten." I make sure she is looking at me. "Walking away from you, Frances, was the hardest thing I think I’ve ever done in my whole life." I shake my head. "Every single thing I’ve done in my whole life has been for my benefit and my benefit only. Not once did I ever think about anyone but me." I look down. "I like you, Frances." The words come out, shocking her and me at the same time. I knew I liked her the minute I didn’t fuck her in that closet. I knew she was too good for that and she was too good for me.

"Ugh, obviously not enough to give me what I want." She chuckles as she sits with her back against her headboard. "I sent you a picture of my vibrator."

"I got it. Trust me, I got it." I laugh. "I even zoomed in to see what the bottom was."

"Rabbit ears," she answers me. "It hits the clit right as the shaft—" I hold up my hand, and she stops talking, trying not to laugh at me.

"What you should be looking up is if a man can die when no blood flow goes to his cock," I tell her, trying to get my breathing down as I try not to picture that vibrator going into her. Instead, I focus on one thing and one thing only—getting her to go out with me. "Let me take you out."

"Why?" she groans. "Why can’t you just come over here and do me like you did the last time, except this time, don’t fall asleep?” She smirks.

"Ahah.” I gasp out. "I knew it wasn’t because I couldn’t rise to the occasion." She laughs, and her eyes light up as she lies down, her face going soft. "Why did you lie?"

"I did not lie," she says softly. "I wanted a third, and you weren’t up to it."