“Yes, in the bedroom facing the bed,” Louise says, smirking and looking at Wilson.

“Are you sure this is it?” Wilson looks around. “Do you think she put bugs anywhere else?”

I put my hand on my forehead and close my eyes, laughing. “She was a jilted lover, not a black ops Navy SEAL trying to get government information.” Wilson doesn’t even crack a smile. Instead, his jaw gets tight. “Too soon?” I look at Louise and then Damon. “I’m sure they do this stuff all the time.”

“We do.” Louise nods. “We once found a recording device in the toilet paper roll.”

“Wilson, she was a woman who wanted to tape you having sex with her.” I shrug. “What she wasn’t expecting was for you to be having sex with someone else.” I wrap my arm around his waist. “It’s okay.” I look at Louise. “I got lucky, I guess.”

She laughs. “If you need anything else, call us.” They both shake Wilson’s hand and then mine before walking out of the house.

He walks over to the frame and picks it up. “Okay, I’m going to ask a really stupid question,” I say, and I don’t know if maybe it’s the whiskey I drank or the fact that this day started off shitty and is going to end really, really well. “Didn’t you notice that she put different frames up?” He glares at me. “I’m just asking. If someone came into my house and put new frames out, I would notice.”

“Frances,” he says my name. “Look around. Do you think I know where all this stuff is bought?” He walks over to the counter and picks up the paper towel roll. “Do I look like someone who would know where to find this?”

“That,” I say, pointing at it, “is marble. And you can buy it on Wayfair.”

“Well …” He puts it down. “I didn’t.”

I walk around to go to him. “Okay, what’s wrong with you?” I put my hand on my hip. “Why are you so cranky?”

“Because,” he huffs, pointing at the counter. “This is fucked up.”

“Agreed.” I nod. “But you can’t change what happened. You just learn better for next time,” I say, and my stomach suddenly feels like someone poured acid down it. I try to make a joke of it by walking to him and wrapping my arms around his waist. “I promise that when we do a sex tape, I won’t leak it.”

“When?” He smirks at me.

“Well …” I look up at him, and my whole body shivers. He’s the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on. He’s all that and a bag of chips as my aunt Vivienne would say, in her French accent. But it’s more than that. It’s the way he makes sure I’m okay. It’s the way he brings me coffee in the morning when he wakes up before me. It’s the way he chooses ten roses because I’m perfect. It’s the effort he takes to get to know me and not because of who my family is but because he wants to know me. “I never got to see the OG.” I kiss under his chin. “So I say we set it up.” I wink at him as he smiles. “And then watch it later.”

He puts his hands on my hips and lifts me to the counter, his hand then going into my hair. “Frances.” His lips come down to kiss me. His tongue slides into mine as I wrap my legs around his waist. “I don’t share what’s mine,” he says, letting go of my lips. “And make no mistake about it, Frances.” His fingers come out of my hair to rub my cheek. “You’re mine.”

“Is that so?” I ask, smiling. “Does that mean that you’re mine?” I laugh, leaning in and kissing his neck. “I mean, as someone who hasn’t dated in her life, is that how it works?”

“Do you want me to be yours?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

“I mean, I’ve already sampled the meat.” We both laugh. “And I like the meat, so I might as well buy the steak.”

“Did you just compare my dick to steak?” He shakes his head.

“Not just any steak. It's a grade A Wagyu,” I praise, and he throws his head back and laughs, leaving his neck exposed. I lean in and kiss him, and he wraps his arms around me as I lay my head on his shoulder. We don’t say anything as he rubs my back, and I close my eyes, taking him in. “I like you,” I say softly, and I can feel his chest fill with laughter. My whole body vibrates from his laughter, and I really wish I didn’t say anything.

“Really?” he says, and I push him off me.

“A little less right now.” I move to get off the counter when he pushes me back and puts his finger under my chin to look at him.