"Hi," he says softly, right before his lips find mine. I drop the bag by my feet, wrapping my arms around his waist. His tongue slides with mine, and I swear I feel fucking flutters in my stomach. He lets go of my lips and kisses my nose. "You look good." His eyes roam from my shoes to my top. "Sexy as fuck."

I laugh as he lets me go. "Glad you approve," I say, looking down at my dark brown pants with a black top.

"Going to have to fuck you in those shoes later." He slaps my ass, and I look down at my leopard red bottoms.

"I might let you," I say, slapping his ass. "Now, where is this dinner you made?"

"I didn’t say I was making dinner.” He puts his arm around me as we walk into the kitchen. "I said come for dinner. I got takeout."

"Good enough," I reply as he walks over to the stove. He grabs the two containers from the oven, placing them on the counter.

"I got salmon or chicken," he says, looking over at me. "Which one do you want?"

"I’m good with either," I say. "Where do you want to eat?"

"We can eat at the counter.” He points at the island where the stools are. "Or we can eat at the table outside." I walk to him and stand beside him, kissing his neck.

"Let’s just eat at this counter so we can eat, and then you can give me my dessert," I tell him, cupping his cock that is at half-mast.

"I mean, we can skip dinner and go straight to dessert." He lifts me up by my waist and sets me on the counter. My legs open for him as he comes in, and I kiss him. His hands come up to cup my tits.

"I really need to wear dresses more often," I pant out when he lets go of my lips and starts to kiss down my neck. My stomach decides it’s a good time to rumble, making us both laugh.

"Why don’t we eat, and then we can do dessert?” he says, picking me back up and placing me on my feet.

"Ugh, fine," I say and then realize the only thing I ate today was a bagel this morning when he packed it for me. I grab the hot containers in my hands. "Hot, hot, hot," I say, walking over to the counter and placing them down.

"Wine or water?" he asks, walking to the fridge. "Or whiskey?"

"Water is good." I sit in the chair and wait for him to come to me. He drops two water bottles on the counter and goes over to grab the forks and the knives. He sits next to me. "So, how was your day?" I ask, and he just shrugs. "What did Nico say?"

"Not much to say," he responds, grabbing the plate closest to him. "Suspended two games." He looks down. "It was a stupid play, but what’s done is done. How was your day?"

"The same," I say, biting into the salmon. "I was searching for interviews all day long."

"Can you do that working from home?" he asks, and I just shake my head.

"If I miss a day." I take another bite, looking down at my plate and avoiding his stare. I can see him looking at me. "The old men would have a field day."

"What do you mean?" he asks me, and my stomach gets tied into knots. I stab a piece of potato and pop it into my mouth. I look away from him, not sure I want to say the words.

"If I say the words out loud, it’s in the universe and means it’s a problem," I admit, looking sideways at him. He just waits for me and gives me the time to say things. He isn’t pushing me to tell him anything; he isn’t doing anything except waiting and giving me space. "It has not been easy."

"What does that mean?" he asks me, and I just shrug, looking back down into my plate.

"They are set in their ways, and it’s not easy to change. Especially when the change is coming from a woman who is half your age." I swallow down the lump in my throat. "So every single time they can fuck with me, they do. From pointing out how my outfits are not appropriate, to trying to go over my head and change the way we film. It’s been a battle since the first show and it’s only gotten worse, even with the ratings going up. They just kick you down and I’m not going to let them win." I try to make it seem like it doesn’t bother me or they aren’t getting under my skin. But truth be told, I came so close to telling them to fuck off, but then they win.