“You went back for a second date?” She tries not to smirk and fails, which leads me to glare at her.

“I don’t date,” I remind her.

“But you want to?” She says the exact thing my head says at the same moment.

“No, I don’t want to date him." My head yells liar. "I want to have sex with him, and that’s it."

"Um," she says, and I don’t stop. The words fly out of my mouth like I have word vomit.

"We flirt all the time. Literally sexted me all night and then dragged me into a supply closet."

"Oh, my." My mother puts her hand to her mouth.

"Yeah, oh my is right. I almost had sex with him right next to a bucket and a mop." I get up, my energy and frustration pouring out of me. "He got me all hot and bothered and then asked for a rain check." My hands fly up in the air as I shriek out the last part. "A fucking rain check, Mom."

"So you aren’t sexually frustrated," she summarizes. "You're angry he didn’t give you what you wanted."

"It’s the same thing." I cross my hands over my chest.

"It is not." She shakes her head. "I’m sure there have been men who have flirted and then walked away, and you were fine." I glare at her, not ready to admit she’s right. "You, my girl, are upset because you like him."

I gasp when she says that, putting my hand to my chest as if she just shot me. “I do not like him," I say in a whisper. "How can you say that?"

She gets up and comes over to me, taking my face in her hands and smiles. "It’s okay to like someone," she says, and I roll my eyes. "It doesn’t make you less of a badass."

"Yes, it does," I say just to say. "And I don’t like him."

"Did you think about him today?"

My glare becomes a death stare. "Yeah, when I put away my vibrator." She laughs.

"You know what I mean," she says softly, letting go of my face and holding one of my hands. "Did you think about him at all?" I don’t answer her because the question and answer are moot. "Baby girl."

I shake my head. "I don’t like him." I turn and storm off like a child who just realized her mother might be right.

Chapter 20


I turn the treadmill down as I cool down. I spent the last two hours running on this fucking thing instead of doing what I really wanted to do, and that was to call Franny. I tossed and turned all fucking night. The only thing going through my head was her and that pink fucking vibrator.

I stripped my bed this morning and tossed the sheets in the wash using extra bleach. I packed my bag for the road trip next week. Then came into the gym where I tried to run to clear my head, but nothing worked.

The phone rings, and I turn off the treadmill, going to the weight bench where I left my phone. Looking down, I see her name, and everything happens at the same time. The smile fills my face, and my heart speeds up. I sit on the weight bench and press the speaker button. "Hello," I answer, looking down, and my stomach flips up and then sinks just like the waves in the ocean.

"Don’t you hello me, Brad Wilson. This is ridiculous," she hisses. "What the fuck is this bullshit about a rain check?" And I try not to laugh out loud. "You were perfectly fine dry-humping me in a closet, yet you won’t take me home and fuck me?"

"How are you?" I get up, grabbing my bottle of water, and walk to my bedroom toward the bathroom.

"How am I?" she shrieks. "I am not well." I stop moving when I think she’s hurt or not feeling well. I take a step and press the FaceTime button. The sound of ringing fills our conversation. "Are you FaceTiming me?"

"Yes." I wonder if she is going to accept it, but when I see the little white circle go around, I wait for her face to fill the screen. The minute I see her, a smile fills my face. "There you are."

"Here I am." She turns and puts her phone down, and I can see she is in bed with her head on her pillow.

"What’s wrong?" I search her face.

"What’s wrong?" She puts her hand out, groaning. "What’s wrong? I’m suffering from restless vagina." I can’t help but laugh out loud. "Don’t fucking laugh, Wilson, you put me in this condition." She takes the phone in her hand and slaps her bed.

"Oh, baby," I say softly, watching her blue eyes, and I suddenly wish I was next to her. Fuck, it’s not sudden, it’s been all fucking day. Fuck, it’s been since we had dinner together in her office.