"You don’t have to be such a prude," she huffs. "You’ve seen me naked plenty of times already."

"Yeah, I’m trying to erase those images from my head. I might try bleach for my eyeballs next." I turn and walk out of my room, hoping she follows me. I’m going to have to strip the bed and call a locksmith. I walk into the living room, but then I turn back toward the kitchen, thinking she would throw herself on the couch and try to hump me.

Opening the fridge, I grab a water bottle and lean against the counter, watching the staircase. She comes down a couple of minutes later, wearing tight white jeans and a top that shows everything off. I automatically go back to Franny and her tight black jeans that molded to her body. My cock wakes up seeing her in my head, and I chase away the thought in case Tiffany thinks my boner is for her. It’s not.

"I can’t believe you are treating me this way." She slides on her high-heeled shoes and comes into the kitchen.

"I can’t believe you thought it was a good idea to break into my house." I just stare at her as she comes closer. I see all of her flaws.

"You gave me the code for your door." She takes out the stool and sits down. "I didn’t break into anything.”

"I didn’t give you the code to use at your leisure," I say, taking my phone out to make a note about calling the locksmith. I see a text from Franny, and my heart speeds up, but I can’t answer it."Not to just wander into my house whenever you feel like it."

"Give me a break." She rolls her eyes. "I wanted to show you how much I’ve missed you." Her attempt to purr out the words makes my skin itchy.

"Tiffany," I say, putting down the phone beside me. "Let's be real. We were having a good time.”

"Well, I thought it was more." She folds her arms over her chest, pushing up her tits even higher.

"What’s my favorite color?" I ask her, and she doesn’t even take a second to think about it when she answers.

"Blue." I laugh.

"Wrong." I shake my head. "Listen, I’m tired. I have to get up and pack tomorrow, so if you don’t mind ..."

"Why don’t I stay, and we can unwind together?" She smiles at me, thinking her smile will lure me back.

"I can honestly say that if you and I were the last two people on earth, I still wouldn’t bang you." She gasps when I say this and shoots me a glare.

"Why, I never ..." She pushes away from the counter. "Have ever been so insulted."

"I find that hard to believe," I say. "Didn’t your sister call you a raging cunt when you fucked her husband?"

"I was drunk." She throws up her hands. "It’s not my fault she can’t keep him happy." I push off the counter and walk to the front door, opening it for her.

"Well, best of luck to you and your future endeavors." I watch her walk to her purse, grabbing it, and I see that she parked her car on the street. I should have noticed it when I got home, but my head was swimming with thoughts of Fran.

"You’ll regret this," she hisses. "No one tosses me to the curb."

"I mean …" I shrug when she walks out. "Consider me number one," I say, slamming the door closed. But I don’t know if it matters since she knows the code. Walking back to my phone, I pull up Google and ask him how to change the lock door code. After watching five YouTube videos, I finally manage to change it.

Turning off the light, I walk up to my bedroom and groan when I think about changing the sheets. Opting to just change out of my clothes and sleep in the guest bedroom, I’m slipping under the sheets when I grab my phone and see that she sent me a picture. My mouth hangs open when I see the picture is of a pink dick and what looks like pearls in it and two little pieces in the front to play with her clit. I zoom in, making sure that I saw right, and then my hands grip the phone so hard my knuckles go white. I groan and hang my head back when I read her text.

Fran: This could have been you.

Chapter 19


My phone pings from the counter twice as I walk around to start my cup of coffee. Picking it up, I see one text from Cooper and the other text from Julia.

Cooper: Mom and Dad are down. Lunch at one! Wakey, wakey!

Julia: I’ll swing by and get you for lunch since I have your car!

I don’t bother calling Julia back. Instead, I call Cooper, and he answers right away. "You're up bright and early." He laughs, and I look over at the clock on top of the stove and see that it’s just after nine.