I don’t answer him. Instead, I just take another drink of my water. When I stepped out of the closet, I looked around until I found an exit sign. Pushing the door open, I found myself in the middle of the alleyway. I took a second to take a deep breath and then close my eyes. I replayed the scene over and over in my head. I can’t even believe that I lost control like that. I can’t believe I was so careless about someone seeing us. But all I wanted was to taste her. All I wanted was to kiss her and then leave. One touch and I lost control. I rub my hands over my face and then drag them through my hair, holding my neck as my body calms down. I can still feel her lips on mine. The whole time I walked back into the restaurant, I kept telling myself it was a bad idea. Even sitting at the table and seeing her come back, I know I should walk away. But one look at her, and all I see is fucking perfection. She’s so fucking perfect, inside and outside.

Watching her pull out her chair and take a water bottle, I wish that I was sitting next to her if only to be in her presence. She makes me want things I’ve never wanted before. She makes me want to be that better person. She picks up her phone, and a second later, it vibrates in my hand.

Fran: So my place or yours?

I look down at the phone, and everything in me wants to tell her where ever she is, is where I’ll be. Her eyes come to mine, and the tightness in my chest becomes even tighter. The pressure feels like a semi-truck is crushing down on it. My hands get all clammy when I know what my answer will be, and my heart goes into my throat, making it hard to even swallow.

Me: Rain check.

I press send, my sweaty hand shaking, thinking she might think I’m not interested in her, when in fact all I want is to be with her. But not for just one night, and I’m not sure what to do with these feelings.

The phone buzzes, and I almost laugh.

Fran: Is there someplace else you have to be?

Me: There is nowhere else on this planet I would rather be than between your legs.

Pressing send, I stand and grab my jacket. There is just so much going on in my head that I need to get away from it all and regroup. "Okay, guys, I’m out," I say, my hands fumbling with my jacket as I try to put it on. Tucking my phone in the inside pocket, I feel it vibrate again. "See you guys Monday." I walk out of the restaurant with my head down, my whole body aches to walk away from her.

I can hear other people around and see more of the team walking out of the restaurant while making my way over to my car. My head spins as I head home, and the nerves are still there just thinking of her. My stomach is in knots, wondering if I did the right thing. Maybe I should have just gone home with her, but then you’re giving her what she wants, and what if she doesn’t want me after?

Stepping into the house, I can smell something’s off right away. What the fuck, I think as I step into the house almost as if I’m a stranger in my own house. "Hello," I say loudly and then stop when I see her purse at the front door next to her shoes. "What the fuck?" I walk up the steps two at a time and find her in my bed. "What the fuck are you doing?"

She looks over at me, smiling, and she has so much makeup on I can see it from the doorway and her hair is perfectly curled. She drops the sheet in front of her, showing me her tits. "Finally," she says, getting on her knees, and I hold my hand out to block my eyes from looking at her.

"Tiffany," I hiss. "Put some clothes on. And get the fuck out of my house." I look down, seeing her clothes, and toss them to her.

"I thought we could talk," she groans, and I hear her voice getting closer and closer.

"We already talked," I tell her.

"I know, but you haven’t been answering my texts or my calls," she says, and I can hear her getting dressed.

"You would think that would be a sign I don’t want to talk to you." I put my hands on my hips. Aggravated that this woman just let herself into my house and even more aggravated because the woman who I want in my house I left at a restaurant.