"How do you know how big his dick is?" Vivi asks. She’s sitting on the floor with her back to the couch.

"I sort of banged him." I act as if it’s nothing, finishing another glass. "At the wedding."

"My wedding?" Jillian gasps. "Shut up."

"You banged him at the wedding reception or after the wedding?" Erika asks with a smile on her face.

"Please say you did it at the reception," Julia says from the floor, next to the coffee table, crossing her fingers on her two hands.

"Please don’t say that," Alex says.

"Relax, it was in his room at the end of the night." I watch the television, and the camera goes to him on the bench, talking to the coach behind him.

"I’m in shock," Jillian says.

"It’s not that big of a deal." I try to brush it off. "It was one night."

"Wait a second," Vivi says. "Isn’t he one of the guys on your segment for Bad Boys of Hockey?"

My whole face goes red, or at least that is what it feels like. "He is, yes." Everyone’s mouth hangs open. “Relax, we kept it professional. He’s a dick." I point at the screen. "Who then asked me to have dinner with him." I swear you could hear a pin drop in the room. "I said no, obviously."

"Obviously," Vivi repeats.

"Hold the phone for a second," Erika says, putting up her hand. "You banged him, and then he asked you out, and you said no."

"That is correct," I say, pouring myself another glass. "I mean, he didn’t really remember our night when he saw me at the bar after the game opener." I finish my glass in two gulps, placing it back down on the table, ignoring the need to look over at the screen.

The announcer screams goal, and we look up to see that Ralph has scored a goal. "Someone turn this fucking game off," Alex says, grabbing the remote and pointing it at the screen to mute the game.

"He forgot he banged you?" Julia asks, refilling my wineglass for me.

"Sort of. Until I reminded him we banged," I say. "But then when he came to the show, he didn’t know I would be there."

"This is better than 90 Day Fiancée," Erika teases. "What did he say?"

"Well, before he was a dick, he told me he remembers what I tasted like." I try to roll my eyes and pretend it doesn’t get to me.

"And I’m dead,” Julia says, gulping her wine. "How good was it?" I look at her, and all eyes are on me.

"Good," I confirm finally. "Very good."

"Best." Erika sits back on the couch and folds her arms over her chest as if she knows something I don’t know.

"Best," I agree.

"Dammit," Julia says. "Why didn’t I get laid at the wedding?"

"Because you were doing shots with Alex and Dylan," Jillian answers. "And then you thought you were Drake and tried to sing karaoke." I roll my lips. "At. My. Wedding."

"Hey." Alex points at Jillian. "We made that wedding fun." Alex comes to Julia's defense.

"You guys tried to make the DJ play 'WAP.'" Jillian laughs.

"So we could do our choreographed TikTok routine," Alex says, and Julia holds up her hand to high-five her.

"Are you going to date him?" Vivi ignores the other conversation, and I look at her.

"I don’t date," I remind her. "I bang. Which is why I’m moving on." Just saying the words feels funny.

"Maybe I should be a dance teacher," Alex says, and we all look at her.

"Just because you do TikTok doesn’t make you a dancer," Erika reminds her.

"Well, I have to figure out what I’m going to do with my life," she says, picking a piece of pepperoni off the pizza.

"What do you like to do besides shopping?" Julia asks her.

"I don’t know. That’s the whole thing," she admits. "I haven’t found something that I like doing.”

"You like doing foundation stuff," Vivi says of The Horton Foundation that our uncle Max started.

"Do you want to come to work with me?" I look over at her. "You used to like helping me in New York."

"Do you think I could just tag along?" She looks at me, and I nod.

We all look up at the television and see that Wilson just scored. He raises a leg and cocks his arm back and then up. "I can’t see him and not know that he has a big dick," Julia says.

I laugh. "Me either," I mumble. "Me either."

Chapter 14


I sit on the plane and close my eyes. "Next stop, home," Cooper says from behind me. I turn my head to look out the window.

"Did you talk to Erika today?" Michael asks him, laughing.

“She was hungover from going over to Franny’s house,” Cooper replies, and my ears perk up at her name. It’s sort of crazy how one mention of her name, and I want to know everything.