“That’s because you’re a little too noble.”

He is.

I mean, who care if he’s my TA? I definitely don’t

He chuckles softly. “Yeah but I’m also an asshole when I want to be.”

I chuckle too. “Good. I’m glad you are.”

“So I’m not letting you go,” he says, his voice low, his eyes intense. “I’m not letting you pull away from me or run away or imagine fucked up scenarios about the future or about how it’s too soon. Nothing is too fucking soon, yeah? Not with me and you.”

My eyes sting. “Okay.”

“You’re mine. And I’m yours. And it’s about time you realized that it’s going to stay that way.”


Another squeeze of his arm but only harder than before. “So you better fucking mean it when you say you love me.”

“I love you,” I say at the heel of his words, without a thought, without a hesitation or fear.

He can read it all on my face because his body relaxes and his parts on a breath. “Good. Because I fucking love you too.”

And then we attack each other at the same time and seal our love with a kiss.

I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the future. When he leaves for med school and when we’ll be miles and miles apart. But I know one thing that he’ll keep me safe.

That I’ll be able to feel his arms around me like I do right now.

Because he’s mine and I’m his.

My chemical reaction guy.
