“I’m also your TA.”

“Only for this semester.”

He sighs. “Penelope —”

I love it when he says my name, but now is not the time to let him talk. So I say, “I get an elevated heart rate too, Atlas.” His heart pounds even harder and I press my hand against his chest. “When I see you.”


Smiling, I lean against his body. “I also get sweaty palms and my belly flutters.”

“Your belly flutters.”

“Yes. I think it’s all the dopamine in my brain.”

He sweeps his eyes all over my face. “Or it could be bad tacos.”

I shake my head. “I don’t even like tacos. You should remember that for our next date.”

“There’s not going to be a next date.”

“I think there will be. Because all that dopamine in my brain is because of you. Because I like you too.”

His eyes flare. “You like me.”

“Yeah.” I nod. “Ever since that day. Ever since I woke up in your arms and saw your green, green eyes.” I frown, continuing, “But I didn’t think… I didn’t think you’d want to have anything to do with me. I didn’t think you’d… want me. Because of, you know, Heartstone and my illness and all the stuff that’s wrong with me —”

He finally puts his hands on me. He grabs my waist and pulls my torso to his, making me go flush with his body. With those green eyes shooting fire, he says, declares actually, “That’s bullshit. That’s fucking bullshit, Penelope. There’s nothing wrong with you. Not one thing. And I don’t ever want to hear you say that, you got it? Never.”

I fist his shirt, looking up at him, happiness bursting inside my chest. “You’re glaring at me like you glare at your books. Or rather squint.”

His fingers dig into my waist. “I glare at my books because I can’t focus. Because I’m focusing on something else.”

“On what?”

His chest moves against mine, scraping against my breasts. “On you.” My eyes go wide and he says, “I always sit at one of those tables by the computers, right across from the windows, because you sit by the windows. I’m at the library so much because you’re at the library so much. I’ve spent more time at the library since you started here than I’ve done all my life.”

“I didn’t —”

“That’s because you never pay attention to anything other than your fucking books.”

“Says the nerd of this college,” I mutter, chuckling.

Amusement and something dangerous pass through his eyes. “I’m still your tutor.”


He squeezes my waist. “So watch what you say to me.”

I chuckle again. “Okay. I think it’s time for me to shut up then.”

Glancing down at my lips, he rasps, “I think so too.”

And I finally, finally attack him.

I reach up and put my mouth on his. And I know he’ll kiss me back.

I know he’ll move his lips against mine like he did last night. Even though he’s bigger than me and he can very easily leave.

He’ll still kiss me back because he likes me.

He’s always liked me.

So all safe and bold in the knowledge, I thrust my tongue inside his mouth and he groans. He tightens his arms around me and pushes his tongue into my mouth.

Making this kiss the most wonderful thing I’ve ever experienced.

We have a lot to talk about, starting with him actually saying the words that he likes me. To all the other details and concerns he had about tutoring me and being my TA.

But I don’t care about those things right now.

I only care about this.


About the fact that the guy I’ve been crushing on for the past year, has been crushing on me too. And I’m so glad that I took a chance.

I stepped out of my comfort zone and fell into his arms.

Chapter Six

“Atlas,” I gasp, trying to get his attention.

But of course, he doesn’t give it to me.

Or at least, not in the way that I want him to. Instead, at my gasp, his fingers tighten around my thighs even more and his mouth latches onto me harder.

Down there.

On my pussy.

I can’t believe I used that word. Even in my head. I can’t believe I use that word regularly. I say it in my head; I say it out loud.

I say it to another person even.

To him.

Who shows no signs of slowing down and oh my fucking God, I’m going to die. I’m going to come, and I tell him that, fisting his rich dark hair and arching off the chair he has me pinned in. “I’m going to…”

Before I can say it though, my core clenches and then, the very thing I was going to warn him about is upon me. And all the words and thoughts in my head turn liquid and non-sensical.

Everything in the world turns non-sensical except him.

And his rough hands and his soft hair and his warm mouth.