Though he deserved to be punished, I didn’t want Linda and Ronald to find out about their daughter. I’d tell Major, and maybe he could find a way to remove Yates from his position without people finding out the whole story.

He followed me into the hall but kept his distance, as though he could feel the waves of disdain rolling off of me.

“I really need to go,” I said as I fled through the front door, not looking back, though I knew that he was watching me.

My steps echoed on the street. One block away, Alec was already waiting for me in the car and drove off as soon as I was inside.

“What did he say?” he asked.

“Give me a sec,” I hissed, needing some time to get my thoughts in order and the sick feeling out of my stomach.

“Did he do something?” He slowed the car as if he was going to turn back to the house and beat Yates up.

Though I liked how protective he was, it was unnecessary. “No, I’m fine. It’s just . . . he has a wife. How could he sleep with his student?”

Alec relaxed in the seat. “So he actually slept with her? It wasn’t just flirting?”

“Not just flirting.” It gave me a queasy feeling. Maybe it was because I realized that despite all of our preparations, I didn’t know Madison at all and apparently neither did her friends and family.

“Madison was at the lake that day to meet him. He said they were meeting because she wanted to talk. I think he’s keeping something from us.”

Alec reached over and touched my hands, which I had balled into tight fists on my lap. “I’ll tell Major about it. Maybe he can find out more about Yates.”

I nodded, but my mind was far away. I couldn’t stop thinking about Madison and who she’d really been. How many secrets had she taken into the grave with her?

Alec parked a few houses from the Chambers’ home and turned to me. His mouth was tight with worry. “Will you be all right?” My skin warmed under his palm and as usual I immediately felt calmer. Nobody else had that effect on me.

“Yeah. I just need to think everything through. I’ll have to find out more about Madison’s past, what really happened. Maybe I should try to talk to Ryan.”

Alec’s expression turned grim. “Alone? I’m not sure that’s the best idea. I bet the guy holds a huge grudge against Madison. No surprise considering the girl had been cheating on him.”

When I pushed the key into the lock, I expected to find Linda waiting in the hall, but no one was there. Relief washed over me, even though the feeling made me feel guilty. Linda was lovely, caring, and everything I’d always wanted in a mother, but right now I didn’t need her fussing and questioning. My head felt about ready to burst.

The entire thing with Yates—seeing his photos, having him reach for me in the house he shared with his wife—made me feel sick. I trudged up the stairs and caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror hanging on the wall. Blue eyes, long blonde hair, and the thin red line around my throat. Who was Madison Chambers? I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone knew. Major had wanted me to find a chink in her armor but what I’d found felt more like a crater the size of the Grand Canyon.

Holly had sent me two more e-mails and I hadn’t even read her first one completely yet. I was a best friend failure. Despite the tiredness lingering in my bones, I clicked on her latest e-mail—I wouldn’t treat Holly the way Madison had treated Ana.

Rubbing my eyes, I started reading.

Hey girl,

I hope you’re okay? I’m worried about you. Major’s been gone most of the time, so I haven’t had the chance to ask him how things are going with you. And you know him (*rolls eyes*), he wouldn’t tell me a thing anyway. I’m even more distracted than usual. Louis is throwing a fit because my Variation is a total mess. I almost miss Summers. But don’t tell her I said that. ;)

Anyway. That’s not why I’m writing. It’s been kind of strange at headquarters in the last few days (and not just because you and the others are gone). The older agents are whispering to each other all the time BUT I caught snippets of their conversation. They seem really worried. And not about the Livingston killer. They mentioned a group of Variants that’s been causing trouble. I think these people, whoever they are, have been threatening the FEA. Something about old enmity. It almost sounded like these Variants want to destroy us. Apparently, two external FEA agents have disappeared, without a trace. Even Major looked really upset the last time I saw him. It was kind of scary.