In the blink of an eye, Haru had shifted into sunset-orange-and-pink scales and launched himself into the sky. He was still gaining altitude when three black streaks raced overhead, each of them letting out ground-shaking roars.

“Eno?” Adrian gasped.

Yeah, they weren’t exactly prepared for fighting dragons, but Haru was right; their priority needed to be keeping Caelan safe.

“Inside with me,” Eno barked, tossing aside the mug he’d still been holding.

He raced into the manor house with Adrian on his heels, heading straight for the guest quarters. After the first day, Drayce and Caelan had been moved to a larger, more comfortable room, while he and Rayne had the one opposite them. Adrian had been placed farther down the hall as the first line of defense.

“Grab your weapons!” Eno shouted as he reached his room. The doors slid open on either side of the hall as both Caelan and Rayne poked their heads out.

“What’s going on?” Caelan demanded.

“Takahashi attack,” Eno replied as he shoved past Rayne into their room. His sword and knives were still neatly arrayed on a table, allowing him to quickly scoop them up and place them about his body. “Drayce?” he asked as both men entered the room behind him.

“Awake,” Caelan answered.

“Try to get him dressed and mobile. Just in case we need to fight our way out of here,” Eno suggested. “I’m leaving Adrian with you while I check in with Omari Nori.”

“If this is because of us, we’re leaving,” Caelan stated.

Eno couldn’t stop his snort. “Do you really think he’d let you?”

He looked up as Caelan sighed heavily. “True. We’ll be ready regardless. Keep your head down.” As Eno was heading for the door, he grabbed Rayne by the back of the neck and slammed their mouths together. It was far from romantic, but he needed that last taste, that last touch, the scent of Rayne filling his nostrils before it was replaced by burning wood and blood.

“Protect the king,” Eno ordered.

“Return to me,” Rayne replied.

Always. He would always return to Rayne if it was within his power.

He ordered Adrian to stay with the king as he headed through the building toward the front courtyard. A massive stone wall standing ten feet high surrounded the compound, offering solid protection against the average fighter. But Eno was acutely aware that these were dragons who could easily fly over the wall.

Nori stood at the bottom of the stairs leading to the courtyard, shouting orders as fighters rushed forward to counter the warriors dressed in Takahashi black. Eno didn’t know whether he should be surprised that he didn’t see a single gun on the field. Just swords, spears, and a few things he wasn’t even sure the name of were held by the fighters who didn’t shift.

A black dragon roared overhead, and Eno instinctively ducked. His heart skipped a beat as the creature turned its head to him and Nori only to have a sunset-orange blur slam into its chest, teeth clamping on its neck. The two dragons tore at each other as they flew backward into trees on the other side of the wall.

“What are you doing here?” Nori demanded as Eno reached him. “You should be with my grandson!”

“The king is prepared to leave to draw the Takahashi away,” Eno countered. He kept his sword drawn and clenched in his right hand, ready to protect the clan leader if any of the fighters drew too close.

“None of you are leaving! We can keep you safe.”

“And you have children to protect!” Eno bellowed at him. The memory of the teenagers training in the field was all too clear in his mind. He’d seen no proof that the Takahashi would spare the lives of children, especially if they were part of Clan Omari. Masaru would only see enemies.

Nori started to respond, but his eyes widened before the words left his lips and he grabbed Eno. He turned them, covering Eno’s larger body with his own as best as he could. Eno sucked in a harsh breath as fire washed over them, stealing the air from his lungs and lightly scorching his flesh. Thankfully he’d been wearing thick layers against the winter cold.

“Bastards,” Nori snarled. He sounded angry, but not hurt. Of course, Nori was a dragon. He was fireproof.

Eno peeked out under Nori’s arm to see a figure leaping through the last of the orange and yellow flames, sword drawn. Grunting, Eno grabbed Nori with his left hand and swung him around, swapping positions with him to block the blow. That was a uniquely sneaky move, using a dragon’s fire to act as cover for an attack. Eno appreciated the genius of it while he fought the attacker.

Metal clanged and men shouted in pain, but it became a type of white noise as Eno fell into the battle. This was familiar, an almost comfortable place in his mind. He’d been surrounded by endless politics, sneaking, and insane gods for months on end. The roar of battle, the burn of muscles neglected, and sting of sweat dripping into his eyes was something he understood. It was as if he’d gotten his purpose back.