“We use it both ways, but in Haru’s case, he truly is a blood relative. He is my brother’s youngest son. Haru also has an older sister who is currently seeing to some matters in the Chasm.”

“But Megumi isn’t nearly as much fun as me,” Haru interjected easily.

“Megumi works hard for the Omari,” Nori chastised.

Haru rocked back on his heels and pressed a hand to his chest, eyes wide. “Are you saying that I don’t serve the clan well, Uncle? I am right here, waiting on your slightest whim, ready to serve my esteemed cousin’s smallest entertainment request.”

Nori groaned softly and rolled his eyes skyward as if begging the gods for patience. Caelan coughed into his hand to hide his smile, but Haru’s smirk showed that he wasn’t fooled. Haru was like Drayce’s devilish side times a thousand.

“Mind your nonsense and properly meet your cousin,” Nori instructed.

Haru’s wicked smile eased, and he bowed deeply to Caelan. “It is an honor to properly meet you, Cousin Caelan. Your father was a stuffy, boring old man when I knew him, but I loved him dearly.”

Caelan laughed and stepped forward, placing his hands on Haru’s slim shoulders. The dragon’s head snapped up, regarding him with wide eyes. They weren’t brown like Caelan had originally thought, but a very dark shade of blue like a midnight sky on a clear night. He seemed surprised that Caelan would touch him, but Caelan needed this physical contact. He’d thought he was alone in the world before coming to the Isle of Stone. Now he had a grandfather and a cousin. This might be his only chance to see them, and he wanted this moment burned into his memory.

“I am very honored to meet you, Cousin Haru. Please don’t ever come to Stormbreak. I’m afraid that you will turn my court upside down within a day.”

Haru sucked in a sharp breath, his expression becoming brighter than the sun. He clapped his hands over Caelan’s and looked over at Nori. “Did you hear that, Uncle? Cousin Caelan is afraid. After we free his Souta, I think I should accompany them back to Erya for his own protection. He is family.”

“Oh good grief,” Rayne moaned softly.

“With each passing day, I’m convinced my brother dropped you on your head,” Nori grumbled.

“Frequently,” Adrian added.

Caelan was equal parts excited and terrified at the prospect of Haru being set loose on Stormbreak. His citizens were not ready for this dragon.

“Enough nonsense.” Nori sighed, and Caelan released Haru. “Caelan asked about his father’s dragon. If my memory serves, your coloring is the closest to Kei’s.”

The expression of pure, undiluted joy that filled Haru’s face became a fist around Caelan’s heart. Nori had given the young dragon the greatest compliment. It couldn’t be clearer that Haru had loved Caelan’s father very much.

“Of course!”

Before another word could be said, Haru ran across the field, climbing the bench he’d been sprawled across in two steps to launch himself into the air. The shift was lightning quick, moving from man to massive dragon with huge wings spread to blot out the sky.

“Show-off,” Nori chuckled.

Show-off or not, Caelan couldn’t rip his eyes away as the long, sleek dragon climbed into the sky, showing off wings and shining scales as he wheeled about to land on the ground as lightly as a butterfly. And the color…Haru’s coloring wasn’t anything like he was expecting. It was a breathtaking mix of oranges and pinks with the slightest tease of yellow.

“He’s a sunset,” Caelan breathed. Haru was the dusk sky as the last curve of the sun sank below the distant mountains. He somehow managed to be warm and peaceful, but with enormous teeth and claws. Staring out from the exquisite colors were the same midnight-blue eyes watching him with sharp intelligence and understanding.

It was a struggle to tear his eyes from Haru, but Caelan turned his attention to Nori, who was smiling proudly at his nephew. “My father looked like this?”

“He did.” Nori took a few steps closer, and Caelan accompanied him. “He was a little darker orange near his tail. And Kei was a good bit bigger as well.”

Haru snorted and turned his head away. If a dragon could grumble, Haru was doing it.

“Bigger? I think Haru is an enormous dragon,” Caelan quickly said.

His cousin’s head immediately lifted, and he got the impression that he was smiling, or maybe just preening.

If Nori planned to argue, he never got the chance.

Someone in the white robes of Clan Omari burst out of the house and was running at them at a breakneck pace, shouting at the top of his lungs, “Clan leader! Clan leader! News from Takahashi!”

Something cold settled in the pit of his stomach and slithered through his veins. He could feel the gods in his mind stirring, as if this new tension were a sign that they might get to cause mischief at last.