They were like Eno and Rayne already. Had been for years. Caelan had just never taken the time to notice it.

Gods, he missed Drayce.

“Do you think Masaru will seek retribution for the death of the dragon?” Eno inquired.

Adrian shifted in his seat to look over his shoulder at Eno. “Which one? The dragon Caelan killed in the street or the one you killed in Mio’s bedroom?”

“Whoa, that’s right,” Eno muttered under his breath. He shook his head hard and turned his gaze to Mio. “I’m sorry. That’s wrong of me. I keep thinking you’re all human.”

She flashed him a fragile smile. “It’s okay. Adrian has explained that you’re still adjusting to the knowledge of our existence.”

“People either believe in the existence of dragons or have relegated them to the land of myths, but no one expects to meet one in the flesh,” Rayne explained.

Mio nodded and turned her attention to her cooling tea. “As to your question of Masaru’s reaction, I don’t really expect one. The night raid attackers have died in the past, and there has been no punishment for it. The leaders likely see it as weeding out the weaker elements from their clans. If you fall to a dishonored dragon or a half-breed, you wouldn’t be welcome in the clan anyway.”

“What about—” Caelan started to ask but was cut off when the back door flew open.

Everyone jumped to their feet, with Adrian and Eno automatically reaching for weapons, but they stood frozen staring at the tall, thin woman with windblown black hair and a pale face. Her wide, frantic eyes searched the room only to lock on Mio when she said, “Hitomi?”

“Mio!” she cried out and flew across the room, completely ignoring the four men ready to do battle.

The two women crashed together in the center of the room, arms wrapping so tightly around each other as they cried.

“What are you doing here? It can’t be safe! Your father—” Mio started but was silenced by a hard kiss.

The one called Hitomi broke off the kiss and sniffled. “I don’t care. I heard a woman who ran a rehabilitation house had been killed in the raid. No one would tell me her name. I had to come. I needed to know if it was you.”

“I’m safe. They saved me. Kept me safe,” Mio replied, her face pressed into Hitomi’s shoulder.

Caelan lifted an eyebrow and looked at Rayne, who was watching the two women with an air of speculation. This had a secret lover vibe, but was it secret because dragons weren’t supportive of same-sex relationships, or secret because Mio was a Phantom?

He was tempted to kick Rayne under the table to derail whatever evil thoughts were turning over in his advisor’s head. Yes, this could be an ugly vulnerability for Mio or Hitomi, but Mio had done a lot to help them. He refused to do anything that would hurt her or force her to do something she didn’t want to just to protect her secret.

“Who?” Hitomi started to ask, but anything else she might have said stopped when she lifted her gaze to take in the rest of the room. It was as if they hadn’t even registered to her when she’d entered, as if her mind had been consumed with one idea: finding Mio.

The newcomer stiffened and even retreated a step, pulling Mio with her as if she could slip out the door.

“These are some friends I’m helping for a time,” Mio said. “They protected me and attempted to save Izumi last night.”

Caelan smiled broadly at her, taking in Hitomi’s wide eyes and beautiful features. He stood and bowed his head. “I’m King Caelan Talos of Erya.” He paused and licked his lips, almost chuckling. “And you’re Takahashi Hitomi.”

There was a muffled explosion of noise from his companions, but Caelan didn’t look away from Hitomi, reading her surprise and fear.

“You have the exact same eyes as your brother Souta,” Caelan explained. He’d never forget Drayce’s eyes, and he’d recognize them even in a family member.

Mio moved in front of Hitomi as if to shield her from any potential attack from Caelan and his companions. Anger and fear brightened her dark eyes, but there was a stubborn tilt to her chin and her expression was mutinous. She was prepared to take them all on.

“Would she be the reason for your hatred of Masaru?” Rayne asked softly.

A scoff jumped from Mio, and Hitomi’s hand tightened on her shoulder. “She’s one of many reasons.” Her gaze narrowed on Caelan. “I swear if you try to use this information in an attempt to make Masaru more agreeable to you, it won’t work.”

“All you’ll accomplish is killing Mio,” Hitomi added. “He doesn’t care about me. Only protecting the Takahashi name and his power.”

Caelan shook his head and dropped into his seat. Gods, he was exhausted. Masaru and Clan Takahashi were proving to be as big a pain as the gods. The sooner he could get Drayce out of prison and away from the island, the better.