“Very true,” Adrian muttered. He folded his arms over his chest and glared out at the empty practice field closest to them.

“We’re not starting a war with anyone,” Eno said firmly. “Once Drayce is on his feet, we leave for the Fire Stone. When Caelan concludes his business with the goddess, we leave the Isle of Stone.”

Haru chortled and placed his empty hand on Eno’s shoulder, leaning into him. “I like this fantasy you are weaving. It’s quite lovely, but it needs more details.” He waved about the hand holding his half-eaten apple. “Something about how the Takahashi clan leader has seen the error of his ways and repented by becoming a Phantom himself. Or maybe the entire clan has disbanded and are devoting their lives to supporting the dragons they’ve terrorized for centuries.”

“And how the Omari has taken in half-breeds and other Phantoms within their clan now that the Takahashi have been destroyed?” Adrian countered.

“We would be among the first,” Haru shot back without hesitation.

Eno nearly rolled his eyes. This was going nowhere fast, and as curious as he was to see Adrian in a fight with a dragon, Eno had no interest in discovering if Haru possessed a temper as quick as his tongue. So, he chose to play off Haru’s two favorite things: talking and himself.

“Tell me about dragons,” Eno demanded.

Haru’s head jerked from Adrian to Eno, the guard seemingly forgotten. The playful smile had returned, but there was a wariness to his gaze, as if he weren’t quite sure he trusted Eno. “I can tell any number of poetic and heroic tales about dragons. What do you wish to hear?”

“I’m sure you can,” Eno chuckled. “How about we save the poetry for another time and keep it simple? That group training over there. How old are they?” He jerked his head toward the small group he’d been watching run through various moves for the past hour.

Haru peered around him and then looked up at Eno. “The children?”

Children? Eno couldn’t hide the skepticism from his expression and Haru laughed, clapping him on the shoulder before stepping forward to motion at the group with his apple.

“I know what you’re thinking, and I tease. They truly are children. The oldest of that group isn’t more than fourteen years old.”

“Is it rude to ask how old you are?” Adrian grumbled.

Haru bumped the guard with his shoulder. “I don’t find much rude. Ask away, but consider this: If I tell you a number, will it mean anything to you?”

The dragon had a point. He could tell them that he was two hundred years old, which sounded old, but to the long-lived dragons, what did that really mean? At times, Haru was a playful teenager or cocky twentysomething, so very similar to Caelan and Drayce before they left for Caspagir. But all that lightheartedness fell away the second news hit that Drayce was renouncing his clan.

“Are they all related by blood to you?” Eno asked, trying to divert Adrian and Haru from more sniping at each other.

“No. A few, but most are sent from other clans to train under our masters. There are a couple of first-borns who will return to their own clan eventually, but most will stay on as Omari.” Haru’s playful smile returned. “Would you like to join their training session? Since it’s your job to keep my cousin safe, we’d be happy to teach you a few things.”

“Yes.” Adrian immediately accepted. Haru’s head whipped around so fast, his black hair fanned out behind him, nearly slapping Eno in the face. He could feel the surprise in the dragon’s stiff shoulders. “I’ll gratefully learn anything that will keep my king safe.”

Eno suspected Haru had meant it as a joke, or maybe as a chance to embarrass one or both of them, but Adrian was smart. Anything that gave them an edge in the coming battles would be welcome.

“If it wouldn’t be forbidden by your clan leader, we would like to be taught your skills,” Eno agreed.

“Yes!” Haru cried, suddenly filled with vibrant energy. “I love this idea! Yes, let’s make you into dragons!” He started across the porch toward the stairs that led to the training fields. When he looked back and saw they weren’t rushing after him, he frantically waved both arms, beckoning them forward. “Come! We’ll be gentle at first.”

“I worry about what a dragon’s idea of gentle is,” Adrian muttered but followed after Haru.

It was on the tip of Eno’s tongue to point out that Drayce had been quite gentle with all of them for years, but he never had the chance to get the words out—a loud, deep bell clanged across the manor. Haru stopped midstride, his eyes immediately snapping to the air.

“What is it?” Eno shouted.

“Takahashi,” the dragon hissed. He turned his attention to Eno, his features twisting as if he was starting to shift into his dragon form. “Protect my cousin,” he snarled.