Parker put his big hand over my face, a move he’d made many times before to annoy me. “Baby,” he said. And the word was said with such tenderness, such overwhelming understanding and affection, I got a lump in my throat.

“Maybe not the talking right now,” I admitted, shoving his hand aside and leaning my head down on his shoulder. “Not sure I’m ready.”

I could tell by his sigh that my words weren’t what he wanted to hear, but his hands moved up and down my back soothingly anyway. Being with him like this was incredible. I wanted to savor it.

“I have an idea,” he said after a little while. “Let’s pretend for tonight that we’re boyfriends. We’ve been together for a long time, and we tell each other everything. We are also two young, fit dudes with voracious sexual appetites, FYI, so the spark is still there in spades even though we’ve been together a long time.”

“Natch,” I said with a grin he couldn’t see.

“Right, so we hang out, cook dinner, watch movies, and snuggle on the sofa. And when the feeling strikes us, we bone. Little sucking here, little dick fondling there… all the things I’ve been missing out on. Maybe we stay away from my ass because it was recently rammed with a giant grain silo, but all the rest is good. Your ass is fair game, obviously. And we sleep together in the same bed, naked, as long-term boyfriends do. Sound good?”

His fake casual tone made me laugh. I loved him so fucking much. He was my favorite human, and he never failed to put me at ease and help me stop taking things so seriously.

“And tomorrow?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“Tomorrow, we’re going skiing because I promised Tiller and Mikey I’d help out a friend of theirs on the slopes.”

I lifted my head up in surprise. I hadn’t known he’d made any plans while he was here. “What friend?”

Parker shrugged. “Don’t know the guy’s name, but he creates content for one of those fitness apps. He’s doing a series of downhill runs and needs someone to help capture some of the footage. Tiller’s not supposed to be skiing because of the injury risk, and Mikey isn’t good enough to help this guy on the steeper runs. They agreed to give him access to the slopes if he’d promote Aster Valley skiing in the videos.”

He moved his hand up to trace my eyebrows with a fingertip. “I was hoping you’d want to join us, but you don’t have to. Or you could come hang at the mid-mountain restaurant and have lunch with us. Mikey said they’re serving lunch now because they’re hosting various athletes and media personnel to help create buzz about Aster Valley opening back up to skiers.”

“I’ll bring my skis, but while you’re doing your lessons, I’ll get some work done in the restaurant. After you’re done with your student, I’ll join you for some runs.”

After seeing Parker’s smile of approval, I laid my head back down on his shoulder and tried not to think about petty things. Like how he would introduce me to his ski student. Whether or not we’d hold hands on the lift. How long I would play it cool after returning to the cabin tomorrow before begging him for just one more night of playing pretend boyfriends.

Meanwhile, I went shopping on the fantasy aisle of my memories, tossing every hot idea I’d ever had of him into my cart and wondering how we’d fit all these sex acts into the short sixteen-hour period I had left with him as my boyfriend.

“Your dick is getting hard,” he said, moving his hands down to cup my ass and squeeze it. When he pulled my cheeks slightly apart, my dick got even harder. “What’s going on in that big brain of yours?”

“So many fucking things,” I admitted, shifting into a more comfortable position. “I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

Parker suddenly rolled us until I was under him, and he loomed above me. “Have you ever fantasized about taking a shower with me?”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s like me asking you if you ever fantasized about taking a shower with Natalie Freeman.”

Natalie had been one of Hazel’s friends growing up, and she’d also been, hands down, the hottest girl in school.

I continued. “And if I feel your dick even thinking about twitching right now…”

As soon as I said the word “dick,” I felt the movement on my leg and laughed. “You’re a teenager.”

He smirked. “A teenager with a crush on the hottest dude in school. A dude I want to bang in the shower.”

I steered my mental shopping cart to the bath products aisle and grabbed a sudsy hand job off the shelf.

Parker had a lot to learn about the joys of sex with another man, and I was happy to take one for the team to help him along on his journey.