The girl lifted her dark gaze from Ari’s plain gray tank top and low-slung jeans. Pink toe nails peeked out from her bright green flip-flops. The dry amusement on the girl’s face changed as their gazes met. “Whoa, check out those eyes.”

The comment was a painful reminder of home where everyone was used to Ari’s ever-changing eye color. Anytime some had asked, ‘You know that Ari Johnson girl, right?’ it was followed by a, ‘the girl with the eyes?’ She shrugged at the girl. “It’s because I’m jinn.”

“Rub your full-blooded status into the face of a girl whose blood is so diluted she’s more of a fifth-breed than a half-breed, why don’t you.”


The girl’s eyes widened as they lifted over Ari’s shoulder. Even as she licked her lips at the sight of the two young men coming toward the house, the girl replied, “The guilds. We’re like descendants of hybrids. Hardly any of us have a full-blooded jinn for a parent. Except my dad. Who are these two?” She jerked her head.

Ari was so aware of both guys she felt their presence as they came to a stop behind her. “This is Jai.” She bobbed a head over her left shoulder. “And Charlie.” Head bob over her right shoulder. “But today you can call them Ass and Hat.”

A throaty laugh purred from the back of the girl’s throat and she sent Ari an appreciative smile as she held her small hand out. Every finger was covered in rings, her wrists roped with bracelets, and she wore three gemstone necklaces around her neck. Girl likes her jewelry. “I’m Fallon Roe.” She stepped back after Ari had clasped her cool hand. “Come on in, Ari Johnson.” She nodded at Charlie and Jai as they greeted her. “Come on in, Ass, Hat.”

The hallway felt more like a sunroom, with three huge arches leading off to other parts of the house. At the sound of footsteps approaching from the left hallway, Ari stepped in front of Jai and Charlie. It was time she started taking control of situations. After all, this was all about her.

Long legs rounded the corner, belonging to an attractive older brunette who could be anywhere between twenty-eight and thirty-eight years old. At her side was an equally tall guy with dark eyes and the same pointed chin as Fallon. Fallon gestured to them. “Ari, this is my Aunt Megan and Uncle Gerard. They lead this team hunting Dalí along with Jacob, the elder supervising.”

“Nice to meet you,” they murmured, but Ari noted their wary distance. Uh oh. She had a bad feeling about this.

As if sensing her unease, Megan offered a small smile. “The rest of the team is gathered in the main sitting room. Come meet them.”

Keeping close to Jai and Charlie, Ari followed the threesome through the air-conditioned and sparse hallways that spoke of the building’s status as a rental, and into a huge, open room. A massive corner sofa took up one end of the room and a large entertainment system sat in front of it. At the other end was a big walk-in fireplace with a wood burner and flue. It was clean with disuse. A large dining room and chairs took up space at the back of the sofa and armchairs sat in the space in front of the fire. The far wall was made entirely out of glass and Ari could see out into a beautifully landscaped back yard with a pool right out back, a waterfall spilling into it from the rocks that formed a wall around one side of it.

Scattered on the sofa and standing uncomfortably in many of the empty spaces of the overly large room were the team members. All fifteen of them. Heart pounding, Ari’s eyes washed over each one of them and felt her stomach knot, those evil little gremlins knitting her gut. The expressions on the hunters’ faces varied from suspicion, unease and wariness.

They are not happy to see me, Ari telepathed to Jai, trying to keep her nerves out of her voice.

They’re just unsure. Give them a minute, he reassured her and she felt him step closer to her. Charlie followed suit and Ari hated how much their presence eased her.

“Ari.” Gerard grabbed her attention. “Let me introduce you. Guys, this is Ari and…” he shot a questioning look at Charlie.

“Oh, I’m Charlie.” He nodded coolly at them all. He jerked a thumb in Jai’s direction. “That’s Jai, Ari’s guardian.”

“Jai.” Gerard held out a deferential hand to him and Jai shook it firmly. “I’ve heard all about you. You’re very well respected among your people. It’s a pleasure to have you here.”

In her bad mood it took everything Ari had not to feel churlish as they greeted Jai so pleasantly. Okay, maybe a little churlishness crept in.