“You ready?” Jai asked Ari as they pulled up to the club. Crowds of people lined up outside, paparazzi snapping flashing pictures of anyone who was the least bit famous.

Squashing down the anxiety flapping around in her stomach and squeezing her windpipe for good measure, Ari nodded mutely and waited for Jai to get out and open her door. As he did, he reached down for her hand to help her out and gave her the tiniest of reassuring smiles. Relaxing, Ari grinned back at him and they handed their keys off to the valet. Ari and Jai strode over to the SUV and waited for Jenn and Chris to jump out. Ari eyed Jenn’s silver top and low cut jeans with envy, feeling vulnerable in her little dress. Should have gone with jeans.

Jenn grinned at her widely, as if she’d read her mind. “You look lovely.”

Charmed by her and her English accent, Ari grinned back. “Thank you. You too.”

Surprising Ari by linking arms with her, Jenn led the way with Chris on her other side and Jai watching their backs. The huge beefcake of a doorman smiled. The red velvet rope was lifted and they walked in. Cameras flashed and lots of people shouted Jennifer’s name, momentarily disorientating Ari.

What about the photographers? My picture? That shouldn’t get out, right? Dalí will know where I am. Why hadn’t she thought of that?

Clearly Jai had. His assuring voice replied n her mind, Don’t worry. I’m deleting them as we speak.

Ari shot a look at him over her shoulder and felt the extra buzz of energy around him as he used his magic. He frowned at her and Ari winced inwardly. Jai had been right, she shouldn’t have come; she’d just given him extra work. It suddenly occurred to her that making her come was maybe just Luca’s way of adding to Jai’s responsibility. He didn’t want his son to fail, did he? No, she didn’t think so. Ari reckoned it was more about pushing Jai to his limits. Annoyed at herself for accepting the assignment out of selfish pride, Ari was glad when they finally made it into the dim light of the club. A tall, slick looking woman in a business suit instantly greeted them. Ari noted Jai’s hawk-like gaze bore into the woman.

“Ms. Hadley,” she had to shout a little over the music. “We have a private area roped off for you and your guests. I’ll have a waiter take your order.”

Wow, Ari quirked an eyebrow as they threaded through the crowds, noting familiar faces of the rich and famous. Jennifer must have paid a fortune to get a V.I.P. section in a V.I.P. club. Trying not to enjoy the throbbing pulse of Rihanna pounding around the club with its high vaulted ceilings and fake stain glass windows, Ari watched everyone around them surreptitiously as they moved through the crowds. They were led up a couple of steps to a plush, curved seating area where heavy damask curtains hung along the back wall. A beautiful wrought-iron railing cut them off from the dance floor but still allowed them to watch everything that went on in the club. Politely allowing Jenn and Chris into the area first, Ari held back with Jai and almost jumped at the touch of his hand on her lower back as he guided her forward.

Once seated, a waiter appeared before them. “What can I get you?”

“I’ll have Glenlivet and ginger ale.” Jennifer smiled up at him and Ari wondered what the hell that was.

“Same here,” Chris added.

Jai leaned back, appearing relaxed and unconcerned to the casual observer as his arm draped over the back of Ari’s seat. “Water for us.”

If the waiter thought that was weird, he said nothing. He hurried away and Jennifer turned to Ari and Jai, snuggling into Chris’s side with a warm look in her blue eyes. “So, how did you two get into the security business? You look so young.”

“Family business,” Jai replied, his tone clipped. Ari couldn’t help but frown at him.

“Oh.” Jenn’s eyebrows puckered together in confusion. “You two are siblings?”

“No.” Ari shook her head, appalled at the idea.

Jai gave her a look before turning back to Jenn with patient but cool politeness. “Our fathers are friends and colleagues,” he lied.

“How long have you been security officers?”

“A while.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Ari had to stop herself from rolling her eyes as Jenn asked a few more questions before eventually giving up. She’d finally realized she wouldn't get much of a conversation out of Jai. With a shrug, Jenn turned to Chris and the two of them began talking quietly.

Scanning the room, Ari tried to pretend she was, in fact, a security officer for Bitar Security. What should she be looking out for? Crap. Why hadn’t she asked Jai this before they left? Wait. Why hadn’t Jai told her? Of course, Ari stiffened. He didn’t want her along in the first place and he’d rather keep her ignorant so that if anything happened, he could take care of it on his own without fear of her getting in the way.