A shuffling noise caught her attention and Ari followed it, her gaze narrowing in on a leaflet that was being shoved forward by invisible hands on the bedside table. Frowning, Ari dove across the bed to see what Ms. Maggie was trying to show her. She smirked when she read it.

Room service.

Wow, her poltergeist really kept a watch on her. She hadn’t eaten all day because she’d been too nervous to, but Ari guessed Ms. Maggie was right. She had to keep her energy levels up.

“Thanks, Ms. Maggie.”

After ordering some food, Ari flicked on the TV, knowing that nothing would take her mind off it but hoping the noise from a movie or TV show would at least be better than the thick silence and nervous pall she’d cast around the room.

When the knock at the door finally sounded, Ari was glad. She was actually feeling hungry. “Room Service,” a soft female voice called before Ari had to embarrassingly ask who was there through the door. Jai had drilled that precaution through her before he’d left.

“Coming!” Ari called and strode barefoot across the plush carpet, pulling the door open with hungry anticipation. The smell of food wafted up her nose and Ari almost fainted. She smiled at the prim older woman and opened the door wider to let her in. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” the hotel employee told her cheerfully.

Ooh tip, Ari remembered and hurried toward her purse. Her back turned to the room.

As she rifled through her purse for change, Ari never even heard the footsteps behind her. No warning alerted her to attack until she felt the painful prick on her neck.

“What?” she cried out as she whirled around, the room blurring. Her arm felt suddenly heavy and limp and her legs appeared to have melted out of existence. The floor rose to meet her and the woman’s face zoomed in on her, her voice deep and echoing.

“I’m Dr. Cremer, Ari. You’ve been given harmal. Try to relax.”

Relax! Was she nuts?

Yes, Ari, she is insane, clearly!

Suddenly, Ari realized she couldn’t feel anything anymore. Her eyes seemed to stare out at the world from a place of nothingness. It was terrifying. She wanted to whimper, but there appeared to be nowhere for it to escape from.

Oh God, she cried inwardly. He’d found her. He’d found her.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and Ari wondered how she could hear with no ears.

You have ears, she told herself frantically, trying to calm her racing panic. Jai told you this stuff causes paralysis.

Oh God, I’m paralyzed!

Her brain felt tingly, her thoughts growing fuzzy, diluted.

The panic disappeared.

Everything disappeared.

She just… was.

“Ari,” a voice said, and another face appeared above hers. A young man with steel-blue eyes stared down at her. “Finally.”

The room dropped or she was lifted. Whispers. Movement. Wallpaper blurring. A car engine purred. Trees, buildings, sky passed by fast.

Air stung her eyes. The world dipped within a metal box. White everywhere. Chemicals. Woman’s face.

“Just strapping you down, Ari.”

Man’s face. “I’m sorry it had to be this way, Ari. But with the harmal, you won’t care. I just need your power, Ari. I’ve deduced it’s all in the blood. If I can keep you here under harmal, I can siphon your blood and fuel my talismans with it. With continual blood transfusions, there is a possibility of taking enough blood to last me a lifetime. I want to thank you for giving me this, Ari. You precious girl.”

Copper. Blood. Woman’s face. “You’re doing wonderfully, Ari.”

White everywhere.




“NO!” Deep voice roared. Man’s face. Anger? “Why isn’t it working?!”

Soft voice. “She can’t tell you. She’s deep under the harmal. We discussed the possibility of this not working. Or perhaps the jinn you tried to command aren’t coherent enough. She is recovering from a bout of harmal herself.”

“You’re right, of course. Thank you, Dr. Cremer. Keep her under.”


White everywhere.




“What are you doing here?” Red blazed, slamming the doors behind him as he strode into his private rooms. Fear churned in his gut to see her there, taking such chances. She wasn’t supposed to come to Mount Qaf. Ever! He had a home on earth she was allowed to visit, for no one knew of it except him… and of course her.

She hurried toward him, wringing her hands. He stilled immediately. She wasn’t a ‘wringing her hands’ kind of female. “He has her, Red.” She shook her head, fury etched on her features. “Dalí took Ari from the hotel and I couldn’t follow. He used some kind of blocking enchantment. It was powerful. But not powerful enough to stop you. He can’t have gotten far. You’ll be able to find him, won’t you?”

Disbelief coursed through him, and he turned away from her fretful gaze. He shook his head. “He’s still a hybrid. It could take longer than we have.” Red’s blue eyes burned as he turned back to her, his hand brushing her cheek. “I’ll get her back. I promise. There’s someone who’ll tell me where that little piece of maggot shit is. He’ll tell me even if I have to kill him.” Turning on his heel, Red stormed toward the double doors. “And get the hell out of here! Are you trying to get yourself killed?”