“The first of the succubus jinn?”

“And the mother of the Seven Kings of Jinn.”

What? Ari’s eyes widened. The first of the lilif jinn was her grandmother?

Luca gave a huff of amusement. “You thought the kings had no mother?”

“Well,” she flushed with embarrassment, “I thought they were… that Azazil…”

“Bore them himself?” he smirked.

Feeling stupid, Ari shrugged. “I just thought he created them from stars or something. Isn’t that how these mythical stories usually go?”

“Not this one. The Seven Kings were created the good old-fashioned way.”

Contemplating that, Ari stared up at the painting. “What happened to her?”

“There are many legends about Lilif’s disappearance.” Luca’s face darkened. “I don’t care which is true. I’m just glad she’s gone. A being that could create something as malicious as the lilif jinn ought not to be allowed to wander freely.”

Luca’s bitterness was palpable; the metallic tang of it so heavy in the air Ari could almost taste it. She didn’t know how to respond to it. What should she say? What could she say? Part of her sympathized with him and the other part of her deplored the way he’d treated Jai.

“I love my wife very much,” Luca suddenly said, breaking the icy silence. “I always have. And I only ever wanted her until Jai’s mother hunted—”

“Don’t,” Ari stopped him. She didn’t want his sob story. Not after everything Jai had told her.

Luca glanced down at her, his expression unreadable. “Her name was Nuala.” He ignored her request. "She’d stalked a wealthy jinn, a businessman from Orange County, a family man. He came to me for protection and Nuala decided I presented the greater challenge. No matter how I felt, how willing she could make you under her violent lust, it was rape.” His voice hardened. “Do you know how difficult it is for a man to admit to being raped? A strong man like me?”

“As difficult as it is for a woman to,” Ari replied, not unkindly.

Luca’s lips curled up at the corners. “Touché.”

“I’m sorry for what happened to you. I am. But how you treat Jai… how you allow him to be treated… he deserves better.”

Eyeing her carefully, Luca sighed. “I’m very proud of the man Jai has become. But I believe his strict upbringing made him the man he is today.”

Ari guffawed. “Strict upbringing? Why not call it what it was? Abuse. Pure and simple.”

Jai’s father’s eyes hardened. “My father was a harsh taskmaster and I promised myself I wouldn’t be like that with my own children and I wasn’t. And look what I’m left with. Soft, lazy sons. But not Jai.” Luca shook his head, his eyes bright. “My father was right. Jai may not have received affection and mollycoddling as a child, but what he received proved far more valuable. He is the best guardian I have. When once I was pitied to have been burdened with him, now I am envied and respected for having raised him. Lack of affection and discipline made him a better man. A better son.”

Ari gaped at him, unable to believe what she was hearing. Fury blasted through her at his twisted outlook. Another selfish father, too uncaring to see what his own needs and wants were costing his child. Fierce protectiveness for Jai washed over her. “You selfish son-of-a-bitch,” Ari whispered hoarsely, enjoying the anger in Luca’s eyes, feeding off it. “He became a good man and a brilliant guardian despite your attempts to crush him. He is who he is despite your spineless need to reassure your wife, who is a bitter and heartless woman at best and a sociopath at worst. Who he is has nothing to do with you, so don’t you dare try to take credit for that.” She shook with adrenaline from the confrontation, but the words felt good spilling from her mouth. Waiting, her body tensed for action, Ari watched Luca’s changing expression.

To her surprise, the anger her words caused melted out of his taut features quickly to be replaced with stern concern. “I didn’t tell you all this to be lectured, young woman. I told you this because I see the way you two look at one another and I’m warning you, if you care anything for my son you will back the hell off.”

Ari’s chin jerked in shock.

Luca continued, “If Jai crosses the line with you, a client, a jinn with great importance, he would be so disappointed in himself and so would I. And we both know how much Jai does not like to disappoint his father.” His eyes sparked with deviousness and Ari realized how much this man saw and how manipulative he was, using what he observed and bending it to his own purposes. “I don’t want him involved with you. I don’t want my tribe dragged into this war, and I don’t want our reputation shredded into tatters. If Jai dares to have any kind of relationship with you other than that of guardian/client, he will damage his relationship with me irreparably. Understood?”