“Once, when we were thirteen, the entire tribe was over celebrating Tarik’s birthday and Jai accidentally knocked over the cake. It was an accident. I know because I shoved him into it.” He grinned cheekily, but there was a haunted look in his eyes. “Nicki was furious and she started beating on him in front of everybody and he just took it. Luca stepped in to stop her, telling her she was making a scene, but I saw his face… he was upset for Jai, although he would never admit it. And then Nicki did the worst thing she could have. In front of everyone she took off her belt and told Luca she would leave him if he didn’t beat Jai to prove he loved her more.” Trey’s eyes glazed over with the memories. “Everybody knew about Jai’s mom. What she’d done to Luca and Nicki’s relationship, what she’d done to Luca.

“All of Jai’s life Luca has been proving that it was done against his will and that he has no affection for Jai, the product of… rape, basically. And although I think it made him sick to do it, he beat Jai with that belt. Maybe he cares, right? But not enough.” Trey shifted now, swallowing hard. “He married a fucking psychopath when he married Nicki and he should have reined that shit in long ago. I tried to stop them, got a welt for my troubles.” He pointed to a white scar across his eyebrow. “My dad pulled me off and gave me a beating when we got home... You know, when Jai heard I got hit, he snuck out, still bruised and battered to hell, all to make sure I was okay. That’s the kind of guy he is.”

“You feel guilty.”

“Hell yeah, I pushed him into the cake,” Trey tried to laugh it off, but Charlie felt uneasy. Jai had a horrible, abusive upbringing. That’s why he seemed so cold and detached all the time… because he was.

“He’ll hurt her,” Charlie said, sure that he spoke the truth. “He can’t give her what she needs.”

Trey eyed him with an unnerving amount of perceptiveness. “And you think you can?”

“Maybe. Perhaps one day. When she’s ready.”

“What if you’ve already blown your chance, Sorcerer Boy?”

“I’m not giving up. And Jai… he’ll just use her and then leave her.”

Trey shook his head and reached for the remote control to unmute the film. “You don’t know him. And he needs someone like Ari. And she needs someone like him.”

“Someone like him? He’s an unfeeling bastard.”

Trey threw him a sharp look. “Did you not hear anything I said? You don’t know him. And yes, Ari needs someone like him. Someone who’ll put her first. Someone who’ll love her enough.”

“He’s putting his job first. Not Ari.”

“Yeah, now. But he’ll come to his senses. My boy always does.”

“Well, he’ll be too late,” Charlie grumbled, his gut roiling at the thought of losing Ari to the jinn.

“I know,” Trey agreed with a cocky grin. “Did you see the way she was eyeing me today? If Jai doesn’t move fast, I think it’ll be a wedding in springtime. Ari and I would make pretty babies.”

Charlie punched him hard on the shoulder. “Screw you.”

Trey laughed and they settled in to watch the movie. Trey chuckled at the comedy as Charlie contemplated what he’d told him. He and Ari had stumbled into a pretty effed up world here in LA — possibly even more effed up than the one they’d left behind. Was this their life from now on? Dark pasts and secrets hidden behind confident smiles and magic? Should he grab Ari and get her to run away with him while he could? Thoughts of the training session that day flashed through his mind and he flexed his hand, glancing down at where he’d focused the defensive magic that came easy to him now. When it coursed through him, he felt more alive than he’d ever felt. Pleasure and strength vibrated through his whole being and he felt immortal, powerful, invincible. He felt thirsty, greedy, and hungry for more. Imagine what he could do once he knew how to channel magic through the talismans. Imagine how he could hunt the piece of crap that had killed Mikey and flay its skin from its body.

“Ari needs someone like him. Someone who’ll put her first. Someone who’ll love her enough.”

Charlie growled inwardly. He could be that someone. As soon as he had his revenge, he could be that someone for Ari and somehow he’d get her out of the danger she was in. Somehow.





They drove in separate cars. Ari and Jai in the Mercedes and Jennifer and Chris with Brian and his security detail. As soon as they arrived at the club, Ari and Jai were expected to stick to Jenn (as she preferred to be called) and Chris, vigilant, composed but with an air of casual relaxation that suggested they were nothing more than their friends of the star, there to party.