Don’t even think about saying yes, Jai telepathed and then cursed himself for being a dumbass when her eyes flashed defiantly at him.

“Sure.” She smiled at Luca. “I’d be happy to.”

Jai glared at her. “No way.”

“Ari’s more powerful than Yasmin,” Trey argued, seriously asking for Jai’s fist to meet his face. “Give her a chance to prove that to not only you, but to herself. I think she needs to know she can take care of herself, man.”

“And if the jinn come after her? The White King?”

“No one knows she’s here. And I doubt anyone will expect her to go to an LA club.”

Charlie was the only one who seemed unsure of the idea, but with three against him and one of them his own damn father, Jai sighed. “Fine.”

“You’re not serious, are you?” Charlie spun on him. “She could get killed.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Charlie.” Ari shooed him off and Jai almost felt bad for the guy.

Charlie turned his glower on her. “I’m coming too.”

“No, you’re not,” Luca snapped.

Ever the peacemaker, Trey stepped around Jai and slung an arm across Charlie’s shoulders. “Dude, why don’t you come with me tonight? I’m guarding a hot singer at an awards ceremony. Lots of food, drink, and eye candy going around.”

Everyone but Charlie shot the idea down. Disgusted at being treated like a child, Jai was surprised Charlie didn’t take off for his room in fury. If he’d been in his shoes, he probably would have for fear he’d end up hitting one of them.

Crap, now he was sympathizing with Charlie. What the hell was happening to him?

Luca and Trey left after Luca asked Jai to come see him about the security arrangements as soon as possible. That left Jai in a room with Charlie and Ari. Not comfortable.

“I could have gone with Trey tonight,” Charlie argued suddenly. “The guy clearly wanted a hand.”

Ari snorted. “I don’t think it’s your fighting skills Trey is interested in.”

Jai shot her a look. Trey’s sexuality wasn’t something they talked openly about around here. If Luca knew (and it wouldn’t have surprised Jai if word had gotten back to him), he’d never told Trey’s father, Rik. Rik would go ballistic if he knew the truth.

Ari threw his look back at him before turning to Charlie to answer his ‘Huh?’ “Trey might have a little crush on you.”

Charlie’s eyebrows hit his hairline. “He’s gay?”

“Bisexual,” Jai clarified, a little defensively. “Problem?

Answering to Jai’s aggressive loyalty, Charlie raised his hands in the air, “I said nothing.”

Ari grunted. “Don’t take it personally, Charlie. Jai is just pissed to be lumbered with me tonight.”

Ignoring the hurt in her eyes, Jai cursed under his breath, heading out of the training room and toward his father’s office. He could lie to himself and say he was just following Luca’s orders, but the truth was he was running as fast and as far from Ari as he could. He needed all the distance he could get from her before they were forced together on this stupid assignment.




Ari chewed on her lower lip as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Having conjured a dress from her wardrobe back in Ohio, she wondered if it was a little too much. The club was for over 21’s but ID wasn’t a problem since the ginnaye had a ‘guy’. She’d have a fake ID by the time they were ready to leave. Still, Ari wanted to look twenty-one and this dress was the only item she owned that was more 'mature'. It was a red strapless dress that came to mid-thigh and clung to everything. To lessen the impact, Ari wore flats rather than heels, thankfully tall enough to get away with it. This had been a secret dress she’d kept from her dad. He would have killed her if he ever saw her in it. She remembered one time in ninth grade she’d come back from a shopping trip with Mrs. Creagh wearing a brand new mini-skirt. Her dad had gone purple when he’d seen her in it. He’d driven her back to the mall the next day and replaced the skirt with a knee-length one she’d deliberately ruined in the wash.

A gasp escaped Ari as pain exploded in her chest, like someone had punched their fist right through her. She stumbled back, the unexpected hit of grief consuming her entire body. Tears spilled over her eyelids and the burning stopper in the back of her throat unplugged. Sobbing gasps sputtered out of her. He’s gone. He’s really gone. Ari couldn’t stop picturing his smile. The way his arms felt wrapped around her. His deep rumbling laugh. She could even smell the scent of his cologne in the air. A box of tissues fell off the bedside cabinet beside her. With blurry vision, Ari grabbed at the tissues, giving a muffled "thank you" to Ms. Maggie.