Covered in grime and dust, Ari attacked her dad’s bedroom with numb energy. She threw everything into cardboard boxes, some for goodwill, some for the garbage, some she couldn’t help but want to keep.

Even though a huge, guilty part of her was still furious with her dad.

And now this.

She glanced around at the work she’d done, the envelope in her hand crushing under her tense fingers. Jai, she called telepathically and waited, listening to his footsteps on the stairs in answer.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, stepping into the room.

Ari ached when she turned to look at him — so glad he was here for her, but sad that she was growing more and more attached when she should be deliberately pushing him away. Sighing, trying to still her shaking hands, she held out the envelope she’d found in the drawer of her dad’s bedside table.

“What’s this?” Jai frowned, his lashes covering his vivid eyes as he looked down at the item in his hand.

“My 18th birthday present.”

He tilted the envelope, letting the keys fall out of it and into his palm. He held them up, questions in his eyes.

“He bought me that apartment in Philadelphia for my birthday.”

Sympathy softened Jai’s features and he nodded, seeming unsure what to say. Finally, he shrugged. “Would you like to check it out?”


“I’ll teach you to use the peripatos.”

Little nervous gremlins tickled Ari’s stomach. “Now?”

“Yeah, now.”


“You have an item that connects you to the place you want to go, so that should help.” He dropped the keys into her palm, taking measures to make sure they didn’t touch. Ari frowned. He was in love with someone else. She got it. He didn't need to act like she couldn't handle him touching her.

“What now?”

“Give me the address?”

She handed him the slip of paper that had been in the envelope, and he glanced at it quickly before giving it back to her. “You will have to focus. Are you sure you’re able to concentrate?”

“I can do this,” she assured him firmly, a little excited at the thought of using her powers. “Just tell me how.”

“Concentrate on the thought of that apartment, on the apartment door that the keys in your hand open. Think of nothing else. Focus. Imagine taking a step into that apartment. Don’t visualize what it looks like, just imagine taking a step into the apartment that the keys in your hand open. Got it?”

“Got it.”

“Now, when you step into the peripatos, you’ll see the flames around you, touching you, but they won’t hurt you. They’re a part of you, so don’t panic and lose concentration.”

And that was exactly what Ari did.

The flames flooded out of her, up and around her, and she panicked. All thought of the apartment disappeared as fear sluiced over her like water dousing the flames. Ari frowned. She was still in her dad’s bedroom looking at a patient Jai.

He smiled softly at her and it did what the flames hadn’t. It melted her. “Don’t panic this time. I’ll be right behind you.”

Taking a deep, shuddering breath, Ari refocused. And this time when the flames exploded out of her, she ignored them, the keys in her hand biting into her skin were the only anchor she needed. Wind rustled through her hair and the world blurred and swayed. It was dizzying, disorientating, but also kind of exhilarating. The flames hissed and melted into nothing, and Ari leaned against the nearest wall for support. Her legs were a little wobbly. Flames burst before her and Jai stepped out of the peripatos with a casualness she envied.

“You okay?”

Ari exhaled, taking a moment to glance around the small but contemporary apartment she stood in. “From the peripatos? Yes. This?” She trailed off and took a few steps into the main room. It was open-plan with brick walls and plush, modern furniture. The kitchen was state-of-the-art, and the sitting room had everything. There was a flat screen TV, sound system, computer desk and laptop in the corner. There were red bows wrapped around some items. Her dad must have been planning to drive her to the city and surprise her with this. Jai waited quietly as she wandered down a narrow hall. A big bathroom with a walk-in shower and roll-top tub. It was stunning. Just down the hall from it was one bedroom. Large. Walk-in closet. King-sized bed.

The apartment was gorgeous.

And lonely.

The anger that had been buried beneath her skin erupted. Ari wanted to tear her hair out or scream, throw something, beat someone up. She stomped down the hall, eyes blazing, not caring that Jai took a step back in surprise, his mouth dropping open at the feral state of her.

“Ari?” he asked tentatively, holding a hand up in question.

“Do you see this place?” she snapped, gesturing around frantically.

“It’s very nice,” Jai answered tentatively, his eyebrows drawing together in total confusion.