Page 9 of Boss of Mine

“No, don't sit. I want you standing.”

What is he doing? Why drag it out like this?

I wish he would just get it over with.

Just fire me already! I know you want to!

His eyes roll down my body, landing on every curve. They pause on my chest, continuing down to the diamond between my thighs. I cross my legs instinctively. But fire— hot, blistering fire, takes me by surprise, and engulfs me from head to toe.

Long tendrils of heat wrap around my chest and spread through all my muscles. I rock back and forth on my heels lightly, doing all I can to calm myself down. This is killing me. All I want is for him to tell me what he plans to do.

Tell me if I have a job to come to tomorrow. Tell me if my time is up here. Tell me I'm an idiot and need to use my head. Just tell me anything, I don't care what it is.

“This morning took me by surprise. I'm sure you feel the same.” His lips fold down into a thick frown. “I don't think either of us expected what happened.”

I stay quiet, letting him talk. It looks like he has more to say. There are words in his eyes, visible and bold, just waiting come out.

“Do you believe in honesty, Ronda?” he asks.

I nod my head silently, hoping he can see the regret in my eyes.

“You can answer that.”

“Of course,” I say.

“Good, me too. So, I'm going to be honest with you.” His lids drop down, and his tone changes. The deep smoothness I've been hearing is now low and husky. “I want you. I want you so fucking bad I can't focus.” There's a rattle in the back of his throat as he speaks.

Wait, what?

Did he just say what I think he did?

I didn't hear him right. My head is a ball of fucked up right now. So fucked up that I'm hearing things. This must be some weird daydream, the calm before the storm. I want him to say anything other than, 'You're fired.' I don't care what it is. I want to hear something else so badly my brain is filtering in words that he'd never actually say.

“Excuse me?” I choke out the question.

“I don't really like to repeat myself,” he says, standing up from his chair, and circling around to the front of his desk. “But, in case you really need to hear me say it again, I said I want you. I want you right here. Right now. Did you hear me that time?”

My eyes dance around his muscular body. His chest flexes and his biceps roll under his sleeves as he unbuttons the cuffs and pushes his sleeves up his arms. I can see black ink on his forearm. It swirls and spirals around his wrist in thick, solid lines, and disappears up into his shirt.

I swallow hard, my hands feverishly braiding and unbraiding. “I'm sorry, I'm trying to understand what you're saying. Is this some kind of trick? Are you testing me or something right now?” I laugh nervously, and force a smile.

This isn't real. It can't be. This is a dream. I must have fallen asleep at my desk. My mind rolls with thoughts, trying to find the most rational reason that I'm hearing these words coming out of his mouth.

Am I losing my mind?

I must be going crazy.

This makes more sense than anything else. I know I'm standing here. I know he's right in front of me. I know I'm not asleep. The only thing that can be true is that I'm going crazy.

“This isn't a test,” he says, taking a long stride forward so he's toe to toe with me. “I don't play games, and I don't play tricks, Ronda. I think I made myself pretty clear. I want to fuck you.”



“Let me make myself clearer, just in case you're not hearing me right. I'm going to fuck you.”

She eyes me, her fingers strangling themselves as she clutches her hands together. Ronda sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, tugging on it with uncertainty. Her eyes move rapidly, darting back and forth over mine.

Call me what you want. Blunt. Arrogant. Selfish. Egotistical. Cocky. It doesn't matter, and I don't give a shit. When I see something I want, I take it. It's that simple.

How do you think I became the CEO of this place? I'm the definition of power. I own it. The world is mine for the taking, and I'm not ashamed to stamp my name on it. If you play by my rules, we both win, but go against me, and watch how quickly you'll burn.

And right now, I see something I want.

Blond, curvy, big doe eyes, and skin that looks so soft it would melt in my hands. Her legs go for miles in those heels. I want to lick every inch of her from top to bottom, and take my time with the heat in the center of her thighs.