We fell, in that moment, in the garden.

We fell together.

We made the same choice again.

Because the one thing I wasn’t warned—your soul can’t deny its other half, your heart can’t lie.

And love—transpires through time.

No matter the cost.

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Timber picked me up into his arms and twirled me around, pressing my body up against the rock wall as his hands moved to the black diamond holding my dress together. It pooled at my feet in an instant.

His hands moved across my naked skin as he ducked his head and kissed me again, his mouth was warm, and it tasted like a fall day. His tongue was so smooth as it traced the outline of my mouth.

This. I would die for this.

I would kill for this.

For him.

He growled. “He can’t have you.”

“Not when I have you,” I answered. Wrapping my arms around his massive neck, he pressed light kisses to my lips only to deepen them as I moved my body against his. “I can’t stop.”

“That’s the thing, Kyra,” His lips moved against mine. “When you find that person, when you hold that gift, you’re not supposed to stop. It’s supposed to be effortless, perfect.”

“Your father.” I whimpered as Timber cupped my breasts like he was weighing them with the same hands he used to weigh souls. “He’ll curse us again.”

“And it would be worth it.” His hands left, I hated the loss I felt. “Again.”

“No.” Tears filled my line of vision. “Not like this. I’m supposed to save you!”

His eyes were sad as he tilted my chin with this thumb. “I got to kiss you, I got to hold you—consider me saved.”

“Anubis.” I tested his name on my tongue, only to have him growl against my mouth again, kiss after kiss. I accepted, I gave in, because I found home in his arms, I found my very existence in those kisses.

Years I had searched for this.

And now I had it.

“Wait.” I gently shoved him away. “We can’t, you know we can’t, we have to find a way to fix the future, not damn it again.”

His chest heaved with exertion. “I won’t lose you.”

“You won’t!” I was naked against his chest, could feel the warmth of his skin, count the beats of his heart. “The tattoo in the future, why would that happen?”

He sighed and ran a hand through his thick long hair. “Moving under the assumption that I took you for myself and left my father’s house, that would mean I intervened, which we aren’t allowed to do. It would mean my godhead would be shed and my soul would be up for grabs. It would mean giving in to the darkness that warred with the good. And if the tattoo is that of a seed it means that I borrowed a soul so I could feel again, because the one I had was most likely dormant or trapped.”

My head jerked up. “Horus.”

“Anubis, but thanks.” He smirked.

“No, your brother! Horus! That’s his thing right? Setting souls free?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Yes, but he can’t go with you.”