I could have sworn I heard Alex whisper under his breath, “Cool story, bro.”

“They’ll behave,” I said quickly.

“Never thought I’d see the day when a human has immortals on a leash like a pet.” Set’s mocking laugh had me digging my nails into the palm of my hand as he gave us his back and started walking back up the marble stairs.

Servants moved around us in a flutter of black and red. The men were shirtless, wearing only black loose pants, and the women were in dark red dresses that were tied at the waist and strapless; so much material had to be heavy.

“Why red and black?” I wondered out loud.

It was Timber, or Anubis, who answered. “Red is the colo

r of the blood that has been spilled for the humans to live in this world with free will.”

I nodded. “And black?”

“A reminder, of what humans’ future holds—when I take their souls.”

My eyes widened. “Do you carry all the souls?”

“Yes.” He rolled his eyes. “In my pocket, care to see?”

I grinned. “Sarcasm, how surprising.”

He jerked his head down to me. “You play a dangerous game, princess.”

“Afraid you’re going to lose?”

He shook his head. “Exactly the opposite. I’m afraid I’ll win.”

With that he moved ahead to join his father, leaving Horus by my side with the guys on the other.

“Forgive him.” Horus had bright blond hair and blue eyes that seemed to flicker with the same gold as Timber’s. “There is a lot that weighs upon his mind.”

“Like what?” I asked as casual as I could as we made our way into a large room with several tables of food and what looked like wine.

“Careful,” Horus said in a sing-song voice. “You cannot trick a god.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

His eyes flashed gold. “Maybe you should have asked your parents that question before standing in front of our father. They should have coached you better.”

My skin broke out into goose bumps. “Coached?” That word didn’t exist in this time, I knew that much.

“Isn’t that the correct word?” Horus asked. “You are not in your time, Kyra. You’re lucky that Anubis’s darkness has shielded you from our father. Pray he never finds out that you’ve traveled back.”

“Because he’ll kill me?”

“No.” His eyes flashed again. “Because he’ll suddenly remember that the gods can move through time—and he’ll leave this world for yours.”

Well, shit. “Can you?” I asked “Move through time?”

“I choose to limit myself as does my brother. The gods belong here, there is no place for us in the future. You’ve seen your protector in your time. The Creator would not allow us to rule there the way we do here, but that wouldn’t stop Set from trying.”

Horus pulled out a chair for me, it was purple velvet, and so soft I let out a sigh as I settled in it and then asked, “Why would he try?”

“Because his power is dwindling. It’s why he needs you.”

“Oh.” My eyes flickered to Set as he discussed something with Anubis and then pointed at me, his smile cruel. “Why is it dwindling?”