He jerked his head toward me. “You dare speak to the god of death?”

I lifted my chin. “You dare look at the face of Apollo’s one and only daughter?”

He stopped walking, his eyes searching mine.

“Anubis,” Set was making his way toward us. “In this century, if you please.”

Timber looked at his father and then to the left of the throne where another godlike man stood, his face softened as they shared a look.

“Brother!” The man jogged ahead of Set, he was in front of us in a flash. “What the ever-loving hell is going on?” His voice was quiet, we had seconds before Set would be standing in front of us.

“I need some time alone with Ti—Anubis,” I clarified “Before Set and I…” I moved my hands. I had no idea what happened next. Did Set just take me in front of a priest or was that not how gods did things? There had to be a ceremony of sorts. I just hoped it wasn’t today.

Time, I needed more time.

“Set won’t like it,” Anubis said under his breath.

“Set can go to Hell,” I muttered, earning a curse from both Horus and Anubis.

“You can’t intervene.” Horus nodded to Anubis. “Remember, brother, or everything will be for naught.”

“Understood.” Anubis sounded so cold, calculating, at least some things didn’t change, right? Timber in my time was the same way, like he was constantly doing math in his head.

And then Set was there, stopped in front of me. I was maybe up to his waist. Power radiated from his black armor as he eyed me up and down. “Are you scared, daughter of Apollo?”

“No, King Set, why? Are you?”

Horus burst out laughing while Anubis seemed to go completely still.

The crowd watched in rapt fascination as I waited for Set to either murder me or appreciate my sense of humor. They should have given me a damn manual!

I felt it then, the presence of Alex behind me, the sharp intake of breath around the crowd as Mason and Tarek moved to stand beside me, both of them without their helmets.

One looking every inch the fallen angel, the other a menacing watch dog, and I knew without looking that Alex had gone full god.


We were going to die, weren’t we?

Set took a step back his eyes wide. “What’s the meaning of this?” He glared at my father. “You dare bring a fallen into my temple?”

“I prefer king,” Mason said in a bored tone. “You can thank me later for the very ground beneath your feet.”

Alex’s warm chuckle wasn’t helpful as he put a hand on Mason’s shoulder and shrugged. “You’ll have to forgive him, he’s still part wolf, forgets his place, just like you have, my king. After all, is it not proper to bow to royalty? Kyra’s godlike essence may have been taken from her blood, but she is still a princess and soon to be your queen, am I right?”

Oh, hell.

Set’s jaw snapped closed as he very slowly inclined his head. I was pretty sure that was all I was going to get.

Too much testosterone swirled between all the men.

I was afraid someone was going to pull a weapon so I did the only thing I could think to do.

“Should we go inside the temple? And make a toast to King Set?” When all else fails, build their ego. Hadn’t my dad told me that the gods liked to talk about themselves? About their own prowess? Power?

Set seemed to soften in that moment as he gave me a bright smile that I’m sure any woman would love to have directed at her, but beneath it was something more sinister, like I wasn’t going to be marrying him, but sacrificed on an altar so he could keep his beauty, his power.

“Of course.” Set nodded. “You may bring your… protectors, though I should warn you… the last god who challenged me was sent immediately to Tartarus, compliments of my son Anubis. We don’t take kindly to threats. Death would be better than facing Anubis while he draws your soul from your body before sending you into eternal darkness.”