Stunned, I watched him walk away. A shiver ran down my spine as Horus walked in and whistled. “It’s time.”

My bitter mood was back as I snapped my fingers and felt the warmth of the jackal’s blood course through my veins. Shifting into my ceremonial state once more for a father I wanted nothing to do with—and a girl who I was about to damn for an eternity.

“Let’s go.” I barked.

Horus followed me, his fingers brushing my shoulder as he whispered, “It feels different to me this time too.”

I ignored the way my heart skipped—the first time in centuries.

Just as I ignored the sharp intake of breath that escaped my lungs when the woman in question, Princess Kyra, rode into the temple on a white horse, her guard flanking each side, her head held high.


My blood pumped.


That one.

My soul rejoiced, beat against my chest in an attempt to break free, to celebrate with hers. It was rare for a god to find a match.

And I, Anubis, the Prince of Darkness had just found mine.

My father’s betrothed.


Egypt, Same Day

My dreams didn’t prepare me for the lavishness of the temple or the castle within its walls, for the rose petals that fell from a place in the sky that was impossible to see or the smell of ambrosia as its heady scent filled the thick, hot air.

I was dressed in a golden gown that draped over my horse nearly hitting his hooves, it was held together by a black diamond in the front like a cape, the rest was wrapped around me in tight layer after layer of what felt like silk, except the material breathed.

Slits went up both legs as I sat in the saddle, hitting me mid-thigh, and as we stopped in front of the marble steps to the throne where King Set waited, I had never been more petrified in my life.

How did I know what was right? What was wrong?

Beside me, Alex, Mason, and Tarek were quiet. My dad and mom were so tense it felt more like a funer

al march than a wedding betrothal, and even then I was minutes away from hurling onto the pristine white stairs.

I looked over to Tarek.

His gold helmet was back on his head but he must have seen me from the corner of his eye, he gave me a confident nod just as massive hands wrapped around my waist and helped me off my horse.

It was him.

The Jackal.

I gaped as his fingers burned against my skin in such a delicious way that I wanted to lean into him. My body had forgotten this part, where my heart felt like it might burst out of my chest at the sight of him.

It wasn’t fear.

It was like coming home.

I gave him a bright smile only making him stiffen more as a hand pressed against my chest and pulled something blue out an inch. It tickled against his fingers, its tentacles wrapped around his tanned thumb like it was afraid he was going to let go.

I had to stop myself from saying, keep it, it’s yours.