Well that didn’t bode well for us.

“Watcher,” Dad whispered his eyes locked on Mason. “How are you not chained to the Abyss!”

“Funny story.” Alex flashed him a grin then pulled off his own golden helmet. His orange hair fell past his shoulders as his eyes blazed the same color in my dad’s direction. “Okay I lied, maybe not funny… as much as, surprise?”

My mom covered her mouth with her hands and whispered with trembling fingers. “We have failed. That is what you’re telling us?”

I forgot how frail my mother looked. She was very human in appearance, with long jet-black hair, pale blue eyes, and golden-brown skin that made her even more flawless. She was wearing a white, floor length dress that wrapped around one shoulder and draped down to the floor. From the way it glinted in the light, I thought maybe it was dusted in diamonds.

“Not necessarily,” Mason answered from my right. “We’ve been sent back to correct a wrong. One of our own—one of your own is dying and the only direction the archangel gave us was something even we can’t warn you about.”

My dad was quiet and then his eyes flashed blue. “How many years?”

I shifted in my seat while Alex answered.

“You really don’t want to know that.”

“Tell me!” Dad’s voice boomed like thunder in that room.

I clutched Tarek’s hand tighter. He wrapped a muscled arm around me, his eyes flashing a bright brown as a low growl rumbled in his chest.

Mom gave him a weary look. “They walk with the Kings of the earth.”

“The King,” Mason corrected, standing to his full height. “You’re lucky I don’t require a bow.”

Oh, hell. My dad looked pissed but did nothing.

Mason joined Alex. “As far as how many years from this present date, it isn’t for you to know. It changes nothing, it helps nobody. Just know that the gods of old are either imprisoned for intervening or they are…” He eyed Alex. “…diminished in their powers so that they don’t hurt the human race—or themselves for that manner. The Creator has given us all free will, and we choose to live amongst the mortals, meaning we choose to live with a diminished power.”

“And the rest of the Watchers?” My father asked.

“The Creator—” Mason’s voice caught and he swallowed hard. “Has set us all free.”

My dad looked ready to pass out. “Impossible! What they did was unforgivable! They were given one job, to wa—”

“Blah blah blah, yes we know.” Alex waved him off. “And they fell in love with humans and started a war, blah bloody blah. We’ve lived through these wars, no need to repeat a history lesson.”

My dad’s eyes met mine. “You would sacrifice the life you live now in order to change the course of your own history?”

I swallowed slowly. “No, I would sacrifice the life I have now in order to change the course of history.”

“Who?” Dad leaned forward. “King Set? Is that who we are talking about? Your betrothed?”

I gaped. “B-betrothed?”

I was immediately transported to the dream of riding into the temple, seeing the massive castle and King Set on his throne.

“You are the Princess of Apollo, and you agreed to sign the betrothal covenant to align our two divided countries days ago. We ride in an hour.” He stood. “I don’t know how things are done in your time, but in ours we honor our promises to the death.”

This was bad. So bad.


“She’s just nervous,” Tarek interjected smoothly. “She of course has traveled back in time to save the one her soul craves. After all, isn’t love worth the sacrifice?”

My dad visibly relaxed. “Yes, yes it is. I’m glad to hear it.” He walked around the table and held out his hands to me.

I took them. They were warm, loving, and finally he cracked a smile. “I may be a god of this time, but I am still a father, I am still blood.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Regardless of the timeline you are from, I have loved you for an eternity and will continue to do so. Promise me you will not fail, because I don’t think I can bear it.”