“The fact that you stare at your own ass depresses me.” And then he eyed me. “You’ll have to forgive him. It’s been at least a thousand years since he’s been laid.”

I didn’t miss Timber’s wince.

Or the sexual tension that erupted around us.

“Okay…” I cleared my throat. “So for the record, you’re not an actual dog.”

“Werewolf.” Tarek grinned and then shrugged. “But if you want to get technical, Mason, my brother, is the King of the pack and of the earth, watches over all the shitty little humans, no offense.”

I held up my hands. “None taken.”

“Anyway, anyone want to watch a movie?”

“Dibs!” Mason came barreling into the room. “She has to watch King Lion!”

Tarek groaned.

“Nope,” Serenity followed him, had they all just been eavesdropping? “She’s had a stressful day. She gets to watch Beauty and the Beast. Plus…” She eyed Timber “It might help her be more understanding.”

Timber gritted his teeth. “I’m nothing like the beast!”

“Grumpy, yells more than he should and has poor manners, hmm…” Serenity tapped her fingers against her mouth while Timber mumbled something under his breath and sat down again.

I was starving, so I let everyone bicker while I ate and tried to wrap my head around all the information.

Slowly but surely Timber seemed to relax as he rolled up the sleeves to his black button-down shirt, revealing powerful forearms and the gorgeous inky branches as they seemed to pulse around his body almost imprisoning them in their chaotic beauty.

Someone turned the volume up on the TV, grabbing my attention. The rose in the glass case lost another petal. I’d always hated that part of the story, like some sort of countdown. I remember crying about it when I was little. My mom had to console me with cookies, and when I finally did calm down enough, she said that love surpassed time and one day I would understand what that meant, that even the magic of the rose couldn’t keep Belle away. And if anything it was just a reminder that time was running out and that you should tell those you love that you love them the minute you feel it, and say it often.

I smiled at the memory. Both my parents were a bit odd, but I remembered that day fondly because it was one of the first days my mom had made me believe in something bigger than myself.

I sighed and looked over at Timber’s arm.

And then I thought about what he’d said, his nightmare triggered something and now it was growing at a rapid pace, I obviously wasn’t helping.

And then it hit me!

“IT’S JUST LIKE THE MOVIE!” I shouted, earning everyone’s attention as I jumped to my feet and then grabbed his arm.

He hissed out a curse and then smiled sadly at me. “I wish that was true, that I just need someone to love me and all will be well, this isn’t a Disney movie, Kyra. Remember, I’m the monster not the prince.”

The sadness in his voice almost undid me as I knelt in front of him. A memory blossomed, one so fuzzy I couldn’t focus, and it had me almost dizzy.

I’d done that before.

I’d knelt for this man before.

My eyes shot to his. Golden flecks pressed through the blue of his irises, and then the red overtook again.

I ran my hand down his forearms and shook my head. “I could be wrong, but I think, I think the tattoo is a countdown.”

Behind me, Tarek chuckled. “To what? His death? The end of the world?”

Timber went completely still and whispered. “Cursed to repeat until the souls find one another, cursed in a prison of darkness and shame for daring to take what wasn’t mine. Cursed.” He swayed forward and then in a voice that sounded eerily familiar whispered. “Find. Me.”

