I let out a sigh and locked eyes with her. “That makes two of us.”


His blond hair looked soft, his blue eyes so penetrating that I couldn’t look away even though I was petrified. It was all too much, not because I didn’t believe it.

Quite the opposite actually.

My parents were obsessed, and I do mean obsessed, with mythology to the point that they made me visit both Greece and Egypt every year. The odd part was that we only ever went to the same places.

And when I asked why we kept repeating the trip the look on their faces was always the same.

Helpless and fearful.

I exhaled softly, not sure how much to say or what to do. Obviously I couldn’t go back to my apartment, not with demons lurking. Then again, wasn’t that was Timber was?

Part of me wanted to call my mom to say something had happened, but what would that even accomplish other than telling her that all the mythological stories they read me growing up were partially right?

“I think—” My voice didn’t sound as shaky as I thought it would. “You should start talking.”

Timber’s eyes narrowed. “You’re not screaming.”

“Would it make you feel better?”

He smirked, just slight enough to catch it before sobering. “If it was my name, absolutely, but if it was shrieking and then beating me with a pillow, probably not so much.”

“I’d probably use something sharper.”

“Noted.” He sat down on the couch while Tarek sounded like he was beating pots and pans in the kitchen. What made that much noise to cook? Wrangling a live cow?

“So…” I was afraid to touch him, to sit too close. “You’re a demon.”

“We’re just gonna rip that band-aid right off.” He hung his head, and for the first time since knowing him, he seemed, not just uncertain, but ashamed.

I reached out and slid my hand onto his thigh, I don’t know why I did it, but I had this compelling need to touch him, to comfort him.

He tensed and then instantly relaxed as he placed his hand over mine and squeezed.

As if things couldn’t get any weirder, something flashed in my line of vision, Timber smiling, wearing some sort of Egyptian-looking hat, and gold so much gold, it was everywhere.

“Find me,” he whispered.

“Find us,” I’d whispered right back.

And then pain, so much pain, like my heart was being ripped in two.

“Are you okay?” Timber asked softly, “You just paled.”

“No.” I frowned. “Yes. I don’t know. I’ve always had very insane dreams like I’ve lived another life or maybe just watch way too much TV.”

“It’s probably the first.” He wasn’t helping. “Some of the greatest minds can’t even conjure up the shit I’ve seen.”

I scooted closer. “Oh yeah? Like what?”

“Ahhhh, she wants me to scare her more?”

“No she’s just curious.” I rolled my eyes. “Plus I think I’m kind of stuck with you now, aren’t I?”

He winced. “Until we can get demons to stop hunting you, figure out why you smell like sunshine, and why I can literally taste colors when I’m around you, yes. Stuck.”