He would make her need him.

“Who brought her in?” Kieran lacked the deference this moment deserved, the Second’s voice growing dangerously loud. “What bastard had her all this time? Why was I not told?”

Unfurling from his crouch, no longer eye level with the heaving mouse, Toby put his body between the Omega and Kieran’s doll. “No one had her. My sunshine survived on her own.”

Rage, so unlike Kieran’s standard cynicism, left the Second red-faced. “She hid from us?”

The abrupt shake of his head, the elegance of his accent, Toby laid it on thick. “She didn’t know Caspian placed the bounty. She snuck in thinking the guards at the gate would throw her back into the mud.”

Mask of indifference snapping into place, only the tick of Kieran’s cheek betrayed his undiluted anger. And in that moment, it was directed at the Alpha blocking his view of the little female bent over the table. “For you?”

Caspian didn’t need to see Toby’s face to know a sly smirk twisted his lips. “I am her mate.”

Hackles rising, a vein on Kieran’s neck began to throb. “The same mate who threw her out the door with no credits, no clothing, and left her to rot in the Warrens. Spare me, Toby.”

Finger rising, Toby pointed right at the doll and ignored the slander in place of spitting insults of his own. “Just what the fuck is that? Some kind of joke? You dressed that slut up to look like my mate!”

“She was a gift for Caspian.”

Rolling back his shoulders, limbs going loose, Toby grew ready to do more than verbally spar. “A gift that you happened to hide away and fuck for a week straight?”

Kieran, in a rare rage, shouted, “You didn’t go to her that night. I’m the only one who went. I found Jax’s house ransacked, her things gone. She didn’t even have a working door.”

That stopped Toby short. “Then why did you leave her there?”

“The same reason you did!”

Jaw unhinging, Caspian pulled his bloody teeth from the mouse’s neck and bellowed, “Enough!”

Second and Third both turned battle-ready eyes his direction, and both dropped their gaze to where Caspian’s knot no longer plugged the world’s sweetest cunt. Fluids flooded between his body and hers, soaking his trousers, seeping down her trembling thighs to splatter the floor. Filthy, the mouse stank, but rinsed with his sperm, her cunt was fucking pristine. Packed full of Alpha cum, of his softening cock, of her sweet, delicious slick.

Mesmerized, as if the entirety of the argument with Toby had never taken place, Kieran muttered, “I’m next.”

Subdued, but far from tame, the mouse dared to wriggle as if she had a right to get up.

Caspian returned his teeth to her throat, bit down just a touch harder, and harder yet, until the woman whimpered.

There were few things more beautiful than the sounds his silent mouse could make: The screams of defeated enemies. The constant rush of water he controlled.

Tongue raking the skin pinched between his teeth, Caspian changed his mind. Her answering nervous purr was more beautiful.

Wise of the female to appease him considering his mood.

He wanted her docile, accepting like the good little mouse she was.

Kieran dared announce his claim louder. “I’m next, Caspian.”

“No!” The doll again. She rushed forward and hung on Kieran’s arm, the sobs choking her voice authentic when she brushed the material on her shoulder aside to show a fresh bite mark. “You mated me.”

And as if the air was not already crackling with tension, Toby began to cackle. Louder and louder it grew, maniacal and nasty, until the male was wiping tears from his eyes. “You fucking bit her?”

More laughter.

Grinding his molars, Kieran brushed the clinging woman off and snarled. “I’m Second. I fuck Jax next.”

“This… this, Kieran, is fucking priceless.” Toby clapped his hands, cackling. “Let me guess; you bred her. Is that little doppelganger pregnant?”

Hand falling protectively over her belly, the toy’s eyes went wide.

As if it were nothing, Kieran brushed the idea off. “She wasn’t in estrous. Just high.”

The girl, voice thin with disbelief, muttered, “I wasn’t in estrous?”

Rounding on the female, Kieran grabbed her by the stuff of her dress. “Didn’t I tell you never to speak?”

“It… it wasn’t real?”

“Christ.” Kieran bellowed over the railing. “GUARDS!”

Weapons drawn, three of Caspian’s favored Alphas ran up the stairs. The gaping doll was cast into their arms, Kieran shouting to take the damn female and toss her in the pen.

Under Caspian, the mouse began to bang her hands upon the table, the struggles tearing her soft skin on the First Alpha’s teeth.

It was Toby who put a hand on her head, who warned as gently as a killer might, “Be still.”

Reluctantly, stinking of anger, she obeyed.

Caspian nuzzled her matted hair, relieved the distraction paled with the fading shrieks of the doll.

Cock slipping from her saturated channel, Caspian flipped the waif on her back, collared her bleeding throat with his hand, and leaned down close. Ignoring the aggravating males, meeting the mouse’s eyes and making sure she understood every fucking word, he said, “Next time I lose my temper, I forbid you from returning to the Warrens. You’ll go to the big room and you’ll lock the door.”