He had Kieran by the throat before the Second finished spilling, met envy-green eyes and let the other Alpha male see every ounce of rage.

And then he fucked him, with nothing but the Omega’s lingering slick to ease a brutal entry.

Right there. Right next to her.

For as long as it took for the bleeding Second Alpha to submit and know his place. When Caspian came, ramming deep down his ass, it was dry, felt like sand rushing, scraping his cock raw, and horrible.

The Omega had drained all his cum.

An Omega who was no longer in the nest.

In his frenzy to beat and best a heaving Kieran, the little slut had vanished.

Chapter 13

The pile of credit chips spilled across his den’s floor made it impossible for Caspian to know just how much the mouse had snatched up before fleeing. Even with both of her tiny palms full, she wouldn’t have enough to escape the city—it would take almost every last chip he’d offered her to purchase that kind of transportation. Dale City didn’t let people out, not when it could continue to digest them. And first, she’d need to collect her raggedy boys.

But even a handful of that fortune would pay for her to hide for a few weeks, to see her fed.


Tearing at his hair, dick limp and stinging, he paced the length of his room and plotted just where to begin exacting revenge for this. First, Alec would die. Slowly and screaming.

Next, he’d have Mikael skinned. His youthful face would make fine leather to patch a worn bit of Caspian’s coat.

Then the mouse would be made to slave. For him, every day. No further restraint on his end in the ways he chose to use her. He’d break her. Crush her like a squealing rat.

But first he’d break Kieran.

Burning glare cutting to where the Second slowly climbed to his knees, Caspian saw nothing but rage.

After all, the list of Kieran’s sins was long—his recent disregard for Alpha hierarchy blatant. And had he not distracted Caspian with willful insubordination, the mouse would never have stood a chance of escape. Had Kieran not kept her to himself for so long, she wouldn’t have grown so desperate.

Everything had been fine before he’d rammed his bursting member down the mouse’s throat!

Unsure when Kieran’s thick neck had come into his grip, the First Alpha crouched over his long-time friend, saw the red-faced Second’s pain-glazed eyes bulge, and prepared to squeeze the life from the Alpha. “She’s Gone!”

But his Second refused to die, fighting back with renewed vigor that sent Caspian sprawling after a well-placed blow to the ribs.

Hoisting up his naked mass, the First rounded on his prey—only to find Kieran manically searching the mussed nest for the missing female.

Despite the damage to his face and throat, the Second snarled, “She wouldn’t leave!”

Chest rising and falling, enraged, Caspian rolled his shoulders, ready to kill. “Was it worth it? Disobeying a direct order for a fucking blow job… that what you were doing to her in the big room for two days, drowning my mouse in cum until she struggled to breathe?”

“Who would replace me? Bjorn? You ready to share your mouse with him after you drag her back?” Wiping the blood streaming down his nose, Kieran curled his lip. Green eyes cut to the spilled money, the male shaking his head. “Besides, what are you going to buy her compliance with next? Murder her boys, she’ll fight you until she’s dead. You’re sterile and Toby is fucking psychotic. Let me breed her. She has a baby, she’ll do whatever you want until her dying day.”

That one statement, and Kieran’s purple, fully erect cock spilled on the floor. Spurts of creamy white, thicker than regular cum began to gum up and dangle like one long spit-string to the tacky puddle. Caspian finally noticed why the room smelled so strongly of the other male.

Wild-eyed, Kieran was beyond the rut. So beyond that Caspian wondered if the male even realized he’d just ejaculated nutrient fluid all over the floor. “What makes you think I’m sterile?”

The hissed response came too fast and too agitated. “Even Toby’s got a brat. All of us knock one of the pen up eventually. No one rides the whores more than you.”

This was too rich. Ugly smile growing, Caspian reached for discarded clothing and began to dress. “You have two choices. I kill you right now, replace you with Bjorn, and toss your corpse to the slaves for dinner. Or, you leave this room as you are, ass bleeding, and spend the rest of your rut fucking your doll until that crap stops oozing out of your dick and your brain turns back on. You want to breed a female, breed her. I’ll be the one to put a baby in the mouse.”

Clarity cut through Kieran’s hormone driven madness. “We agreed I’d kill the doll.”