Sometimes it was easy to forget just what these males were really responsible for.

Trying to clear the sand from her throat, Wren found she couldn’t meet Kieran’s eyes. He’d see the judgment, the pity, all the things he hated most. So she rolled into him in the only movement he’d allow, the meat of her palm to her eye, and he settled her frame where he wished.

And she purred, as much to comfort herself as to appease him.

Gentle fingers combed through her clean, dry hair. “If you think purring over me is going to make this better, you’re wrong.”

The censure of her glare behind her hand, the silent not-everything-is-about-you look, she kept them to herself. Yet the way her purr magnified as if in defense of her feelings, didn’t stop him from batting aside her hand and drawing her mouth up for a kiss.

Chaste, lingering. Soft and gentle.

A lover’s kiss.

Fingertips burrowing against her scalp in a way that left her tingling, he pulled her small body ever nearer. Thighs parted, legs moved with ease, until he’d rolled her under his mass, all the while his mouth working magic, his purr infiltrating, and his cock growing ever harder.

Silken lips moved to her ear. “I could have fucked you the whole time you were high. You begged for it with those pleading eyes and parted lips. It was all I could do just to restrain you. Remember that. I could have fucked you raw, done anything. But I didn’t.”

On that score, he wasn’t lying. Wren’s memories of the past hours were nothing but flashes of slick and aching need. She’d been a bitch in heat, rubbing this man, squealing and whining in frustration as he denied her.

Is that what estrous would feel like?

A brainless need for physical release no matter who was near? An embarrassment of invitations and a drooling mouth?

That’s what Alphas were eager to enjoy? It seemed so mechanical, passionless in every important way.

The tip of Kieran’s tongue flicked between her lips, a small grunt coming from the male when his cock spilled on her belly in invitation.

When more fluid burst from him, more than was normal to entice a female, when it began to run down her sides and pool on the fresh sheets, Wren realized he’d cum fully. Just from a kiss.

He’d denied himself a knot, would be in aching discomfort unless pressure was applied, but did not draw her hands down. He didn’t make her do anything but continue to bear his mouth.

Breathless, a hair’s breadth from her parted lips, Kieran caught her eyes before she might be wise enough to look away. What confused her most was reflected in those envy-green eyes. Affection.

“Drink the cup of water, it’s safe. There is more in a pitcher under the table. We’ll build a nest when you’re finished. When it’s done, you will invite me to share it.”

He had not offered any threats. There had been no bet or temptations. These direct orders without caveats were so unlike him.

But welcome.

“Are you hungry?”

Always. The wry smirk that came with the thought was enough to explain. The rumble of her stomach sealed it.

Climbing over her body to straddle her face, Kieran slipped halfway into the creature he’d been in the shower. Cock already pumping nutrient substance so that it dangled like a thick dollop of cream, he smeared her lips before she could protest. “Then open up.”

He was down her throat before Wren even registered the turn.

More than he had offered her yet drained from him to nourish her, to cut off her air, to set her sex to dripping. As with every other time he’d forced himself on her this way, he had to fight her off to retrieve his member, and left her panting, red-faced, and confused.

When she scooched back, fighting her breath and her body’s reaction, her feet slipped on the copious slick unintentionally spilled.

Easing back, Kieran took her chin and looked over her blush. “Did you think I offered you food?”

Of course that’s what she thought!

He lifted the cup, holding it out to her and helping her keep it steady so she might gulp it down. Clean water rinsed the addictive taste of him from her mouth, but it did not wash away her desire to lean forward and lick his oozing cockhead for another taste.

Palming his erection, expression blank, Kieran subtly waved his cock at her. “Do you want more?”

Yes! But she sure as hell was not going to latch on.

A shaking hand set the cup on the table, an extended troubled breath falling from her lips as she slipped from the bed as if to reach for the pitcher. The inelegant retreat was allowed. Glass refiled, drained, and filled again, she took all the water she could bear.

Next came the building of a nest. One built around the male already occupying it.