Ah, but Caspian was First and his word was law. “Now you’re going to keep the marked bitch. Forever.” Fastening his pants, he added, “And get this room cleaned up and prepared. Once I bring her back, the mouse won’t be leaving it again.”


Cold clarity enveloped his rage like an icy blanket. Caspian, all Alpha, pure killer, made his way from the waterworks to the upper levels. He traveled with no guard, more than willing to accept any challenges.

Not that a single soul would dare.

Hunting the mouse was a waste of time; she’d come to him… begging with her big, pretty lavender eyes wet with tears.

She’d cry as he murdered her boys.

And she’d be made to endure his face, his cock, and his temper until her dying day.

With Mikael bedridden, it took a single barked order to see the kid under a guard large enough to take down a city block. His cunning mouse would never get through that kind of firepower.

Leaving Caspian’s obvious first target Alec. He’d have the slippery kid by the throat before he might get wind of her escape and hide.

Mikael would be left for seconds. Slow seconds, peeled while still breathing.

Yes, Kieran had made a good point. The mouse would be despondent once her wards were disposed of, but his Second had also lit upon the perfect chains. A baby.

Maybe several. An entire brood.

Images of her fat with his child, of her pale belly bulging and her breasts leaking milk, distracted.

Caspian made a mistake in offering the female money.

One single pile of money—a monstrous and outrageous sum—so much more than he’d ever paid for a single whore in the pen. A greater total than he’d paid for all of them together, wasted.

Money she must have realized, Alec would no doubt piss away the second he got cocky. After all, wealth, like power, required far more mental fortitude than most people understood. That was why so many men couldn’t hold it; their minds couldn’t wrap around the concept.

That was why the mouse had backed away in terror once she realized the gift he offered.

Truth be told, that was why he’d offered it. He’d known every last credit chip would have eventually ended up back in his pocket. But he’d been a fool to think she would return his kiss with more than obedience. Hate him as she might, he’d been so sure she’d still love him just enough for what this monetary reprieve would do for her wild children.

Caspian had been so sure.

Kieran would covet. Toby would maneuver. She would be settled between them. Each party playing their part.

Sharing her until they were bored, the pack would thrive in its rivalries and hatreds as it always had. The Syndicate would prosper. Dale city would continue to bow.

Fawn over him… just as the missing mouse should have.


He’d had her cunt, he’d had her blood in his mouth, he’d had her defeat… her very life in his hands. But even with payment, he didn’t have her at all.

But he would.

It would only take a matter of hours of having Alec’s screams broadcast over the city’s communication network before she came running right to his feet.

The lift carrying him to Dale City’s finest residential district slowed, the doors before him parting until a warm breeze drifted over the steaming male. Sunshine, the sound of birds and carrying murmur of talking people filtered through.

None of it touched him.

Focused to a pinpoint, Caspian didn’t so much as sneer at the crowd who recognized just what male had emerged into their midst. Scrambling away, some bowing in deference, a few actually pissing their pants when their eyes alighted upon his coat.

The streets cleared.

Not a single challenge.

Not one.

Not a single fucking soul dared so much as look him in the eye. Not a single guard dared question his advance through secured gates or lifts. Striding through the upper levels without guards and reeking of Omega cunt, Caspian smirked as the rich took one look at him, eyeballed his coat, and turned to flee. Dingy city streets became walled off, manicured lawns, Toby’s sprawling family estate out of place in Dale City’s gilded squalor.

Alec was ensconced within, one of dozens of nameless servants no one cared about.

As Caspian approached, the final door retracted, solid steel encased in stained oak millwork—the artifice reminiscent of bygone eras where wealthy assholes played croquet while their underlings labored their lives away.

It was fitting, really.

Nothing had really changed in hundreds of years.

Except now the rich had to pay him for every last drop of water they wasted chilling their fancy cocktails with ice. And that was a beautiful thing indeed.

The moment a servant was in sight, Caspian barked, “Bring me the boy, Alec.”

Bent backed, bearing the wig worn by butlers the world over, the doorman was wise enough to not so much as twitch a nostril. “They await you in the master’s quarters, great Alpha.”