How could anything in the world possibly hurt when everything felt so good? Just the feel of male skin on hers, the smell of potent Alphas, and Wren was in bliss.

“In a few hours you’ll be fine.” A devilish wink, and Toby smirked. “You sure are lovely when you smile, sweet girl.”

The arms around her tightened, pulling her away from Toby’s attention. “It’s not your turn, Third. Piss off.”

Though there was boiling irritation under the Third’s grin, Toby backed off and raised his hands before him in capitulation. “By all means, Kieran. Just, clean her up before you fuck her silly.”

The word fuck and Wren’s insides clenched. The following rush of fluid that rushed from between her thighs obscene.

Toby’s eyes dilated, the male visibly swallowing.

Kieran, still holding her in his arms, straightened to standing and challenged his pack mate. “I’m warning you, Third. I’m not in a sharing mood.”

Grin growing, Toby took a few careful steps backward. “It seems that neither am I. So let’s not scare her by ripping one another to shreds. I’ll go, but only if you swear to me you’ll feed her. We don’t want our little Omega getting in any more trouble with all this garbage lying about.”

Kieran’s low, rusted growl moved through Wren’s every cell. “Oh, I intend to feed her all right.”

At the door, Toby seemed to be fighting himself to open the portal and leave. White-knuckled fist to the knob, he threw over his shoulder, “While you wash her off, I’ll see that the room gets cleaned. We don’t want another accident.”

Chapter 7

Blinking, the fuzzy glow inundating her line of sight began to slowly diminish. Belly to the warmth of another body, cradled in powerful limbs, Wren’s world came into razor-sharp clarity.

Too sharp, the light streaming in through the room’s windows glaring.

Under her, the musculature of an Alpha shifted—the male registering a change in the limp woman splayed and held over him.

He drew in a rib-expanding breath.

Wren, in tandem, exhaled, the pounding behind her eyes growing.

Her lashes swept down again, attention running over the muscled torso of her living pillow, past his naked hip to a hair-dusted thigh, to see that nothing was right beyond.

Nothing in that over-bright space looked familiar outside of a few sparse pieces of wooden furniture.

The big room.

It had been stripped down to the cement floors. The couches gone, the purple bunting and pillows gone, the garbage gone, the offensive smells… gone.

But one familiar scent did perfume the air, the Alpha markers that undoubtedly belonged to Kieran.

Far more viscid than the mud she’d waded through to enter the waterworks, her mental fog swirled murky, thick, and cloying.

The last thing she recalled was warm water, too much soap, and persistent hands scrubbing overly sensitized flesh. Then this, this stripped room, this extended contact with Kieran who only invited attention if he were the one being cradled. He never cradled, just like he never kissed.

Male lips pressed to her crown, reminding Wren of another time the Second betrayed his character. Her house; how he fucked her in the graveyard and kept her warm against the night’s chill.

How he’d covertly given her boy the healing boost and threatened to kill her if she ever told.

This male had threatened her life often, had purposefully given her pain, had degraded her. So what had happened; what had he done? How had she gone from shower to gap in memory? How had the room gone from chaos to vacant?

The beat of his heart under her ear, the constant, sleepy thrum of an Alpha purr untangled her growing rush of adrenaline. Lifting an arm that weighed about a thousand pounds, Wren found moving far harder than it should have been. In fact, the wobbly effort upset her balance and almost sent her slipping bodily off Kieran’s chest

Increasing the pressure of his hold around her body, Kieran gave her a warning growl. One that went unheard once Wren realized how incredibly dry her mouth had become.

Sticky, with a metallic residue slightly underlined by the taste of Kieran.

Lavender eyes flowed to the bedside table where a glass of crystal clear water collected enough condensation to drip down and mark the wood.

She wanted to reach for it with a fervor, but her body felt so heavy.

Even so, her arm extended, missed the mark, and almost knocked the whole glass of precious, clean water onto the floor.

Before she might try again, Kieran stroked a hand down her back, traveling the length of her spine until a meaty grip palmed her ass.

Jerking, a raw yelp wheezing from a parched throat upon unexpected pain, Wren shot up. Palms to his chest, eyes wide, she looked down to see Kieran cock a brow.

Relaxed and languid, he wore an expression as naked as their touching flesh. “Didn’t you learn your lesson not to eat or drink things you found lying around?”