Immediately, a few locals looked our way.

I tried to stay calm.

Tried and failed, as the few that saw me and Cassius became many. There was a reason immortals stayed in the States, a corrupt country with a selfish race of people who’d rather spend time on social media than look at the world around them.

They were obsessed with money, fame, themselves.

Scotland had its faults. It also had its stories.

Namely, its legends.

And as I walked toward the castle, a tourist trap if I’d ever seen one, hand-in-hand with Serenity, Cassius nodded to people who passed.

And I knew.

My time was up.

Maybe it had been up all this time.

All the secrets. All the loneliness. All the shame that had welled up within me was bursting free with every step I took toward my destiny with my mate at my side.

The final puzzle piece.

The last of the mated immortals, taking my rightful place that I’d ignored for centuries.

Because it hurt too deeply.

But now… now I had Serenity.

I had peace. I clung to the peace as hard as I could. And when I felt like I couldn’t take another step, I did.

More and more locals poured out of the shops. Their minds were abuzz with the phrase, “It has begun.”

Cassius kept his gaze focused ahead.

I followed and then jolted to a stop when I heard someone utter, “The Great Wolf has returned.”

Serenity gasped next to me.

Someone stood taller from the crowd; he had dark brown hair and jet-black eyes. I recognized him immediately.

And my heart cracked inside its chest as my brother very slowly weaved his way toward me and stopped.

I was a foot taller than he.


Different… and yet the same.

I had the pieces of red in my hair that hadn’t been there before, but all he seemed to focus on was my eyes.

“Why’ve ye returned?”

“To take my place.” I said it with such finality, and he flinched. Fear laced his eyes as he looked from me to Serenity.

“And the woman?”

“My mate.” I growled.