“You…” He held my shaking body. “…you’re my heaven. A gift from The Creator.”

I nodded through my tears. “Yours. I want to be yours. Forever.”

He sealed my vow with a kiss.

And I forgot all about Cassius’ words as I fell asleep in his arms, my body facing the fire, the warmth hot on my face as his arms wrapped me up from behind.

I forgot about the flames.

I forgot about it all.



There was only darkness when I opened my eyes. I pulled myself from Mason’s body as a chill shook through me. It wasn’t normal for me to feel such extreme temperatures. I frowned and looked down at the table, where a thin area of frost lay. I dipped my fingertip in it and squished the ice between my fingertips.

It melted against my skin immediately.

When I turned around, Mason was still sleeping. A smile crossed his perfect lips as he turned away from me and into the couch.

I shivered again and realized I’d need to light a fire if I had any chance of getting the chill out of my bones. Besides, I didn’t want Mason waking up cold.

Did immortals like him, ones with mixed blood, even get cold?

So many questions still bounced around in my head. Mainly, I wondered if he would take his place as king, as the Alpha.

And the other part.

Where I was involved.

My parents.

All of it.

I tried to think of my earliest memory, but it had always been my mother’s face as she wept with joy over her new baby.

I’d felt such elation that I’d caused her so much happiness that all I felt was contentment in her arms.

I quickly shook the thought away and added a few stacks of dry firewood, some newspaper, and then lit.

The flare erupted in my face. I jumped back as one flame narrowly missed my cheek and then swirled in front of me again like a whip, out to lash my body with its rage.

I scooted back farther.

The flame only followed.

Until my back was against the couch.

The fire stretched to my face and touched my cheek with a fiery singe. I couldn’t look away as the flames danced before me; they shifted into wolves around a campfire, howling at the moon in celebration. Tears stung my eyes as a tall hooded figure approached followed by another and another.

Twelve stood tall with the wolves.

The wolves stared right back in their true form, their eyes piercing through the darkness as the hooded figures lowered.

I gasped at their jet-black hair and clear blue eyes. They were beautiful, too beautiful to be real. I blinked again as they held their heads high, watching, waiting.