I can’t do this.

Lost my mate.

Lost everything.

Lost everything. Can’t lose her too.

I gripped his hand and squeezed.

And slowly, one by one, the Watchers bent a knee in the same way.

“Why are they bowing?” I whispered.

Mason sighed. “Because the only way for them to honor The Creator without the link to the Heavens is to do it through the one who was created by the palm of His hands.”


The Watchers.

My brothers.

Gadreel’s brothers — they all left.

I watched the fire crackle and spit while Serenity made me another batch of cookies. I could feel her anxiety through that invisible thread that mating created. She needed to do something.

And she understood nothing.

Vampires weren’t often told about the werewolves’ origin. It wasn’t their typical bedtime story. If it had been they’d feel inferior, and wolves always kept to themselves.

Every immortal had a purpose.

We were capable of supernatural healing as a gift from The Creator; it came directly from him, the power.

The smell of cookies filled the living room until my mouth watered, and when she brought me a plate, I couldn’t take it fast enough.

I was mid-bite, when Serenity spoke. “What did they mean when they said it was impossible for us to mate?”

I finished the cookie and swallowed the last of it then turned to her. “Mortal enemies?”

“That’s not even true, and you know it.” At least she smiled.

I pulled her into my lap just as Cassius swept into the room and sat.

I gave him a glare that would have sent anyone packing.

It only seemed to amuse him more as he stole one of my cookies, popped it in his mouth, and reached for another. I growled. He still took it.

He was lucky I liked him and didn’t bite his head off.

“So…” Cassius leaned forward. “…I assume all the puzzle pieces fit now?”

Serenity blushed bright.

I clenched my teeth.

“Oh, not those. I knew those would, er… fit.” He moved in his seat as if he were uncomfortable then smiled. “I meant your need for blood, your need to feed, to taste, to fill.”

“Vampires…” I said the word softly. “gave me blood, and because it would never stay within my body and keep me healthy, they used angelic blood to bond it into my body, enough blood to kill Gadreel, to give me his essence.”